恭喜榮獲英文閱讀心得競賽 佳作獎 姓名 Name: 蔣家帆 英文姓名

恭喜榮獲英文閱讀心得競賽 佳作獎
姓名 Name:
英文姓名 English
學號 Number:
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閱讀書目 Book
Lord of the Flies
閱讀心得 Book Review:
What are you doing if you're age is between 6-12? Probably studying in the
elementary school, playing with your classmates or getting a hug from your parents.
However, in the "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding, Ralph, Piggy, Jack and other
schoolboys are not doing the same as we are doing.
This book teaches the readers that we are easily changed by our environments and
when we are desperate and hopeless, our dark side will appear. Each person has the
capacity to be an evil and that evil is only restrained by the rules of society. These
boys were originally from a school’s chorus, unfortunately, when they were on the
plane; it was shot down on a tropical island and there was no grownup. Can you
imagine that? A group of little boys have to survive on the island themselves until
others come to rescue them. At first they choose one of the boys - Ralph to be as the
leader, however another boy - Jack feels unfair that he should be the leader. When
these boys encounter this situation, they separated into two groups which one is
leads by Ralph and the other is leads by Jack. Ralph is a charismatic conductor and a
representative of order and civilization. In the other hand, Jack is strong-mined and a
representative of violence and savagery, he wants every boy to listen to his
commands. In the novel, there are neither laws nor specification. As the novel
progresses, these boys become more and more savage. For instance, in the novel, all
of them are afraid of a beast, however, the beast never appear because there was
actually no beast in this island. As them grow more savage, their belief in the beast
grow stronger. It is that they and their behaviors bring the beast into existence and
they are actually the beast that they are afraid of.
I think the book is worth of reading because within this book, readers will find
exactly how brutal and violent a human being can become. For example, when I am
reading this book, I feel extremely depress because one of my favorite character –
Piggy, was killed by Jack’s group. I am really astounding of how could a boy whose
age is about 10 whom killed his friend. I am thinking about “the sin” is really come
from our environment or our human nature? In society, people have the capability to
become violent; this capability can be expressed with the condition that becomes so
unreasonable or so stressful that the mind is no longer in dominate. This is exactly
what happens in this book “Lord of the Flies”. I without a doubt recommended each
of you to read this book, because it will teach you about a man’s real side when
facing a difficult situation.
角色 Character
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出現頁數 Page
句子 Sentence
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A star appeared behind them and was
momentarily eclipsed by some movement.
The candle-buds opened their wide white flowers
glimmering under the light that pricked down
from the first stars. Their scent spilled out into the
air and took possession of the island