not alive

Name_____________________________________ Class _________ Date______________________
Chap. 9-10, Reading Guide (pp. 145-168)
Chapter 9 Title_______________________________________________________________
After Simon regains consciousness, what does he come upon as he walks across the
mountaintop? What does he realize?
Simon comes upon the body of the dead
parachutist. He realizes that the ropes and
lines are what makes it move, that the
“Beast” is not alive. He needs to tell the
2. Ralph uses reason to reach the boys. What does he say to Jack’s followers as it begins to
rain? Why does he bring this up now?
He reminds them that they do not have
shelters. He hopes that using reason will
reach them and keep them from splitting
the group.
3. Immediately after Ralph’s tirade, Jack tells his tribe to start dancing. Why?
He doesn’t want his followers to accept
Ralph’s reasoning. He wants to keep the
power he has now. He starts the dance to
distract them.
4. What crawls into the horseshoe circle of chanting boys? Do they recognize who it is?
Why or why not?
A dark, crawling beast that was really Simon
came crawling in darkly. The boys do not
recognize Simon. They are in a killing frenzy
and scared of the Beast.
5. What happens to the parachutist? Why was this able to happen?
Simon loosened the ropes that were caught
on the rocks. The winds pulls it loose and
takes the body to the beach then out to
6. What happens to the “beast” the boys beat? Who is it?
Simon’s dead body on the beach is washed
out to sea with the tide.
Chapter 10. Title_______The Shell and The Glasses_____________________________________
1. When Ralph admits to Piggy that they all murdered Simon, what is Piggy’s reaction? Was Ralph
Piggy makes excuses, saying it was dark we
were on the outside of the circle and we left
just before it happened. We were all scared.
Ralph admits that he was not scared.
2. What is Piggy’s suggestion about the signal fire? Why? How does Ralph react?
To only keep the fire going during the day.
Ralph agrees because there are not enough
of them to keep it going.
3. What happens to Piggy’s glasses?
Jack and his tribe do a raid and steal the
glasses from Piggy.
4. How does Jack feel as he the others trot toward Castle Rock? Why?
He feels like the chief because he has control
over the boys and the fire (he has the glasses).
5. Why does Jack want everyone to believe that they have not killed the beast?
He is using this fear to control the boys to
bind them together.