Parent Newsletter - 2nd Quarter

Newsletter to
Piqua Junior High School
Upcoming Events
1 Tomahawk Trail, Piqua, Ohio 45356
Mr. Jeff Clark, Principal
February 10
Mr. Chad Albers, Asst. Principal
1 hr. early dismissal
Mrs. Erin McGaharan, Guidance Counselor
February 12
The Piqua Junior High School Parent Newsletter is a quarterly
publication that includes teacher updates, Honor Roll listings,
Students of the Month, Perfect Attendance, and other
important information parents should know.
No school
February 15
No school
Classroom Recaps
7th Grade
In the second quarter, Pre-Algebra students covered solving and graphing multi-step
equations and inequalities, consecutive integer and uniform motion problems, converting between
fractions, decimals, and percentages, ratios and rates, and percent applications. The Common
Core standards they have been working with are “Creating Equations,” “Reasoning with Equations
and Inequalities,” “The Number System,” and “Ratios and Proportional Relationships.” During the next
quarter, we will be addressing the following indicators: constants of proportionality, writing equations,
proportional relationships, and calculating perimeter, area, circumference of two-dimensional figures
and volume and surface area of three-dimensional figures.
In the second quarter, Algebra students covered solving and graphing inequalities, relations
and functions, writing function rules, graphing linear functions, direct and inverse variations, slope,
and writing linear equations. The Common Core standards they have been working with are
“Creating Equations” and “Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities.” During the next quarter, we
will be addressing the following indicators: systems of equations, polynomials and factoring,
exponents and exponential functions, and quadratic equations.
Seventh grade math 7 students have been developing an understanding of the relationship
between fractions, decimals and percents. Students will use and extend this understanding by
converting between the three numerical forms as appropriate. In the process, students learned that
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when they use long division to convert to a decimal number, rational numbers will either terminate or
eventually repeat. Continuing with proportional relationships and incorporating equations has been
a major area of focus. Students are learning to solve multi-step ratio and percent problems like simple
interest, commissions, discount, sale price, and tax. Using variables to represent real-world problems,
constructing simple equations (and inequalities) to solve these problems have been two areas of
Mr. Johnson’s Social Studies classes are currently learning about the Renaissance. We have
been discussing the importance of Italy during this time period, as well as some of the famous people
from this era, including Leonardo DaVinci. The classes will then study how the Renaissance impacted
the rest of Europe, Shakespeare, and future explorers. Once we have completed the unit, the
classes will go further back in time and learn about the Middle Ages.
Seventh grade science students have continued to work through some challenging and
exciting topics during the second quarter of the 2015-2016 school year! We began the quarter with
finishing up a very challenging and fun unit over chemistry. Some of the topics we covered included:
The atomic number, atomic mass, name of the element, element symbol, the number of protons, the
number of neutrons, the class of the element, families, periods, and relative reactivity.
Then we moved into a unit over the atmosphere. Students were amazed by some awesome
videos and virtual labs that helped explain how the different layers of the atmosphere change with
both temperature and pressure as you move higher into our atmosphere all the way up to the
exosphere. Some of the topics we covered included: abiotic and biotic factors, layers of the
atmosphere, relative humidity, energy transfer and transmission, temperature and pressure changes
throughout the layers of the atmosphere.
Finally, students finished up the second quarter with the study of the moon. We worked hard to
memorize and identify the different phases of the moon. We also discussed different forces, gravity
and inertia, that are related to both the moon and the Earth. We finished our moon unit with
discussions over eclipses and a virtual lab over oceanic tides caused by the moon (Spring and Neap
Tides). Overall it has been a very successful quarter. We are excited for transitioning into the third
quarter where we will start with the biogeochemical cycles.
Second quarter has been very busy in Miss Meece and Mrs. Winkle's Language Arts
classes! We have been utilizing our Chromebooks every day and enjoy working with this technology
to use Google Classroom, Read Theory, Quizlet, and other web applications. We have been working
on reading nonfiction texts, including both informational and argumentative pieces. Students have
been working on mastering the academic vocabulary that accompanies these genres. We have
worked on various projects accompanying these texts, including a project involving a guest speaker,
Mr. Schuller, discussing his experiences in Vietnam. In writing, we have been focusing on Greek and
Latin roots. Students have mastered 40 different root words over the past 8 weeks! Students have
also been working on writing argumentative essays about various high interest topics. Over the next
several weeks, we will switch gears to focus again on fiction texts by entering into our novel study of
The Cay, with emphasis on the concepts of theme, conflict, and characters. Students will continue
to complete Read Theory for homework each week. If you have any questions, please feel free to
contact us via email or school phone.
Mrs Winkle's email:
Miss Meece's email:
During second quarter, Mrs. Butt's language arts classes focused on informational and
argumentative essays. Her students have worked very hard on revising and editing their work. This
quarter the advanced classes are reading Tangerine by Edward Bloor and will analyze symbols,
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imagery, and the author's style. During the second half of third quarter, students will write a research
paper about a great leader. They will continue to work on grammar, spelling, vocabulary, and
identifying literary elements. Mrs. Butt is very proud of her students and their hard work!
8TH Grade
During the second quarter, Mrs. Krogman’s Advanced Language Arts students focused on the
study of The Giver, our second and final piece of dystopian literature. We studied author’s technique,
hero’s journey, application of literary terms, and writing short pieces analyzing text. Word Bank
vocabulary study continued and will continue throughout the rest of the school year, with packets
due every Thursday. We also continued refreshing our grammar skills through No Red Ink and daily
composition. We now have Chromebooks in the classroom, which has changed the way we
conduct some of our day to day business. Google Classroom is a platform organizing many of our
assignments; students can check here if they are absent to see what they’ve missed. Students can
use Quizlet to review Word Bank vocabulary and literary terms. Google Classroom and Quizlet are
available as apps on Chromebooks, iPads, and smartphones.
Third quarter we will focus on different genres in our textbook and begin study of Neil
Gaiman’s The Graveyard Book. Literary analysis will continue, as will writing about literature. We will
also continue using the re-do process on applicable assignments. This gives students a chance to
clarify thinking and to take more ownership of their learning.
Ways to stay informed: To see classroom announcements and pictures from the classroom,
follow me on Twitter. My Twitter handle is @JanaKrogman. For periodic announcements regarding
quizzes, tests, and project due dates, sign up for Remind. Please email me ( if
you would like information on how to sign up for Remind. Email me at any time if you have questions
or concerns regarding your son/daughter.
Mrs. Butler and Mrs. Hewitt’s Reading and Language Arts classes finished reading The Giver by
discussing the elements of the plot, conflicts, and characterization found in the novel. Students also
completed multiple vocabulary and writing prompt assignments. During the 3rd quarter, classes will
begin the Anne Frank unit in which students will read the play and complete various
activities. Students will also begin working on different strategies for answering questions based on
text by citing, analyzing, and defending their reasoning.
8th grade science and Physical Science Students
finished their unit with an Earthquake Tower Challenge.
Students used the Engineering Design Process to build a
tower to support at least 250 grams of weight. Also, the
building/tower was located near a fault; therefore the tower
had to be able to withstand both small and large
earthquakes. Students used straws, string, pins, and paper
clips to build a tower to stand on a 10cm X 10cm piece of
cardboard. The overall winner was Hannah Anderson,
Jalynne roberts, and Tylah Yeomans. Their tower supported
1,750grams! Way to go!
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During the second quarter, the Geometry students worked on classifying quadrilaterals. They
finished the second quarter with a unit on the similar figures, ratios, and proportions and how they
relate to triangles. The third quarter will begin with a unit on trigonometry with emphasis on sine,
cosine and tangent ratios.
Algebra students learned how to write and graph function rules. They were introduced to
multiple forms of linear equations, such as slope-intercept, point-slope, and standard form. In the
third quarter, students will learn how to solve systems of equations by graphing, elimination, and
Students in Pre-Algebra performed translations, reflections, rotations, and dilations of figures on
the coordinate plane. Students identified types of angles formed by intersecting lines, parallel lines,
and transversals. The Pythagorean Theorem was introduced by a video clip from the Wizard of Oz in
which the scarecrow misquotes the Pythagorean Theorem. The quarter ended with a unit on
functions culminating in students being able to write function rules from tables and graphs.
During the second quarter in Mr. Smith’s American History class we have examined: The
Declaration of Independence, The American Revolution, The Articles of Confederation and the
Constitutional Convention. Students have utilized a variety of technologies during the 2nd Quarter
including: Web Quests, Kahoot, Discovery Education, PBS, and National Geographic.
Listed below are the Essential Questions correlated to academic standards that students have
examined during the 2nd quarter of the school year:
*What were the key ideas of the Enlightenment and how did this lead to anger with Great
Britain and the King?
*What were the causes and consequences of America's movement for independence?
*Why did the colonists risk their lives to fight for independence from Great Britain?
*What were the provisions of the Treaty of Paris, and what were the outcomes of the American
*How did the United Sates manage to win the American Revolution?
*How well did the articles of Confederation address the needs of a new nation?
*How did the founders limit the power of the first American Government?
Students in Mr. Riley’s Social Studies classes have been taking an in-depth look at the U.S.
Constitution. We explored why a change was needed from the first plan, the Articles of
Confederation. We also learned the seven principles of the Constitution, how this document affects
us on a daily basis, and the importance of the elastic clause and the ability to amend this plan.
In the third quarter, we will delve into the early challenges to the Constitution and precedents
set by our first Presidents. We will see the thirteen original states expand into many more through the
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More Important News
Along with the winter weather also comes an increase in
colds and flu. Parents, please remember that if your child is going
to be absent from school, it is very important that you call the
school before 8:00 a.m. and state your name, the student’s name,
and the reason for their absence. Your cooperation is greatly
Did you know that Piqua Junior High School continues to
collects Box Tops for Education? For each Box Top turned into the
school, PJHS will earn 10 cents. We recently received a check in the
amount of $106.90 from box tops turned in since the beginning of the
school year. Just bring your clipped Box Tops to the PJHS office, and
we will do the rest of the work for you. Thank you for your support.
Box Tops for Education isn’t the only way that PJHS can earn
extra money to help with student recognition awards. Now there is
a new “app” fundraiser called Shoparoo. Several PJHS staff
members have already joined and found it to be very easy. All you
do is snap a picture on your iphone/ipod of your receipt from just
about any place you shop. They will then calculate how many
Shoparoo points or sweepstake drawing entries your receipt was
worth. Twice a year, they send PJHS a check for the amount
earned. What could be easier?? Check it out for yourself, and
again, thank you for your support.
On Thursday, December 17, 46 students
participated in the annual Piqua Junior High
School Spelling Bee that was held in the
school commons. After 11 rounds, seventh
grader Alexis Gastelu was declared the
winner after correctly spelling the word
“spectacles”. Brooke Fishback, also a
seventh grader, was runner-up.
Both Alexis and Brooke were eligible to
compete in the City Spelling Bee on January
12 held at Piqua Central Intermediate School
with Alexis emerging as the overall winner.
She will now compete in the Regional
Spelling Bee.
Good luck Alexis!
Exciting news from the music department! The junior high musical is back! After several years without
a musical, Shrek, Jr. will be presented to the public by the students of PJHS the evening of Thursday, April 28.
Directed by Mrs. Beth Fair, a cast of 42 students, led by seventh graders Andrew Hobbs as Shrek, and
McKayla Nelson, Adrienne Weigel, and eighth grader Audrey JacometI as Fiona, this show focuses the ability
to see past the physical apprerance and look for the beauty within. Lously based on the movie, this hilarious
performance will have the audience laughing all the way home. Be sure to make your calendars now for
April 28. This is a show you won’t want to miss.
NJHS is planning a Staff vs. Student Wiffle Ball Game that will take place in February. During the third
quarter, eligible 7th and 8th grade students will receive information about applying to National Junior Honor
Society. The NJHS Induction Ceremony will take place on March 3.
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HONOR ROLL (3.75 – 4.0 GPA) Julia Anderson, Cassie Arnett, Chloe Barnes, Trenton Billet, Aubrie
Brandon, Alexis Bylczynski, Gavin Carey, Malia Casey, Alexi Castle, Logan Cavender, Grace Clark,
Ca’Ron Coleman, Colleen Cox, Hailey Cremeens, Kameron Darner, Nichole Delacruz, Stephen
Dolder, Brady Evans, Whitney Evans, Corbin Forror, Alexis Gastelu, Siara Grinstead, Katherine
Hanes, Samantha Henby, Andrew Hobbs, Jordan Karn, Ke’Nona Kinnel, Haley Krogman, Elaina
Lear, Keri Marion, Tyler McName, Gracie Mote, Alyssa Murphy, Mickayla Nelson, Blane Ouhl, Corryn
Parker, Layne Pequignot, Lance Reaves, Lillie Schaeffer, Kyra Schlagetter, Devon Sever, Dylon
Sever, Roland Stahl, Elijah Stewart, Paige Stumpff, Gabriel Switzer, Michael Switzer, Rhylee Tufts,
Kara Went, and Mia Whitsell.
HONORABLE MENTION (3.5 – 3.749 GPA) Kellan Anderson, Silas Bragg, Isaac Bushnell, Shayelynn
Davis, Jasmine Gilardi, Alexis Goode, Paige Hinkle, Ian Lachey, Melanna Langston, Andrea Marrs,
Madison Miller, Eriahna Penkal, Lane Reedy, Caitlyn Roberson, Anna Rohrbach, Cierra Schilling,
Coby Shepard, Logan Sherman, Matthew Simental, Sydney Swary, Izahya Tipps, Madison Trissel,
and Brooklynne Wright.
COMMENDED LIST (3.25 – 3.49 GPA) Asianek Burge, Dylan Chaney, Cooper Clark, Jamie Crull,
Brooke Fishback, Matthew Foos, Hailey Jergens, Ambyr Hoshaur, Kaleb McCall, Kylee Orndorff,
Jeremy Santos, Aireana Senkowski, Brooke Smith, and Dylan Wynn.
HONOR HOLL (3.75 – 4.0 GPA)Hannah Anderson, Alissa Arnett, Ryan Barr, Brandon Beasley, Baylee
Behr, Zoe Blankenship, Alexa Burns, Skylar Cain, Manzi Coats, Cameron Deal, Danielle Detter,
Tayvian Elder, Kyla Elliott, Tyler Ferraro, Thomas Fletcher, Cameron Foster, Seth Furbee, Karl Garpiel,
Emma Grunkemeyer, Madison Hazeltine, Ethan Heidenreich, Jaylen Hensley, Destini Hester,
Addelyn Honeycutt, Alyssa Keeler, Keenan Kelly, Kirstin Kemp, Alivia Knorr-Sullivan, Sierra Koehl,
Kyler Kommer, Madison Lange, Kristen Lewis, Victoria McBride, Kryzel McDade, Collin Moore, Riley
Nelson, Alainna O’Reilly, Tylan Redinbo, Trenton Riley, Jalynne Roberts, Tyler Royer, Grace Ryan,
Brock Schlosser, Kayla Schulten, Rakaela Smith, Morgan Studebaker, Daysi Swallow, Reece Tate,
Tashaya Tipton, Chase Vaughen, Dylan Warren, Danielle Widney, Tylah Yeomans, and Kathren
HONORABLE MENTION (3.5 – 3.749 GPA) Madison Beaver, Maddi Coats, Owen Curtis, Gage Davis,
Zachary Fletcher, Hanna Flora, Tayler Grunkemeyer, Chasity Hicks, Evan Hicks, Madison Johnson,
Nicolas Karnehm, Alexa Knorr-Sullivan, Chandler Langston, Olyvia Malone, James Mueller,
Meakenzie Neeland, Audrey Poling, Jarret Powers, Krystal Pritchett, Lori Shaffer, Lauren Sweetman,
Oaneice Weaver, Wynn Whitt, Anna Willoughby, Katelin Wintrow, and Melissa Wright.
COMMENDED LIST (3.25 – 3.49 GPA) Keaton Bates, Zane Beougher, Samantha Bicknell, Annalese
Fair, Grace Forness, Tobin Ganger, Jonathon Goings, Andrew Grunkemeyer, Arianna Holler,
Autumn Jenkins, Makeegen Kuhn, Carter Landers, Katelyn Lear, Lee McPherson, Avery Payton,
Maeve Vulcan, Dakota Ward, and Andreana White.
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The October Students of the Month are seventh
graders Michael Switzer, Madison Miller, Lilly
Schaeffer, Kellan Anderson, Corey Hicks, Samantha
Henby, Haley Krogman, Silas Bragg, Kaleb McCall,
and Devin Ware. Haley Asher, Rakaela Smith, Kyler
Koomer, Tanner Grise, Zach Fletcher, Payton Fergus,
Rikki Ramirez, Danielle Widney, James Staugler, and
Daysi Swallow were the eighth graders selected.
Congratulations to all!
November Students of the Month are seventh graders
Gabriel Switzer, Cooper Clark, Whitney Evans, Brooke
Fishback, Isaac Bushnell, Keagan Patton, Katherine
Hanes, Paige Stumpff, and Stephen Dolder. Hannah
Anderson, Kristen Lewis, Kryzel McDade, Collin
Moore, Hope Conway, Trinity Perkins, Robert Walker,
and Peyton Smith were the eighth graders selected.
Congratulations to all!
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Student Leadership had a very active couple of months! Our annual canned food drive was held to
support the local Salvation Army. Our school brought in over 1,000 canned goods! We appreciate all the
donations brought in, and the Salvation Army was very grateful for our contributions! In addition, we sponsored
a spirit week, which was tons of fun for students and staff. Dressing up in silly outfits, wearing pajamas, and
showing off ugly sweaters were all part of the entertainment. We also sold candy grams, and all proceeds will
be donated to the Lupus Foundation of America. On the last day before winter break, many students and staff
members enjoyed a school dance! It was a perfect way to finish up 2015. Coming soon will be our matchmaker
surveys! Thanks to students, families, and staff for participating in these activities! Your support is very much
Science Olympiad has been hard at work the past couple of months getting ready for our first
invitational on Saturday, January 23 at Magsig Middle School in Centerville. Science Olympiad competitions
are like academic track meets, consisting of a series of 23 team events. The events this year include Anatomy
and Physiology, Bio Process Lab, Disease Detectives, Green Generation, Invasive Species, Dynamic Planet:
Oceanography, Fossils, Meteorology: Everyday Weather, Reach for the Stars, Road Scholar, Air Trajectory,
Crave the Wave, Food Science, Crime Busters, Wind Power, Bridge Building, Elastic Launch Glider, Mission
Possible, Scrambler, Bottle Rocket, Experimental Design, Picture This, and Write-It Do-It.Each year, a portion of
the events are rotated to reflect the every-changing nature of genetics, earth science, chemistry, anatomy,
physics, geology, mechanical engineering and technology. By combining events from all disciplines, Science
Olympiad encourages a wide cross-section of students to get involved. For some of the events, students will be
taking a written test on their knowledge of the topic. Other events have students performing a task, such as
making ice cream or demonstrating the blades they constructed for a fan. The last set of events have students
constructing their project, like a wooden bridge or bottle rocket, and testing them during the competition. The
scores of each event will be added together for a team score and those in the top six places will receive
awards. We have been practicing diligently and are looking forward to our competitions!
6th Grade: Christopher Proffitt
7th Grade: Airean Allen, Cassie Arnett, Spencer Arnett, Lexus Banning, Trenton Billet, Deacon Buechter, Isaac
Bushnell, Gavin Carey, Malia Casey, Logan Cavender, Dylan Chaney, Jazmyn Cook-Hills, Jamie Crull Jr.,
Nichole Delazruz, Isaac Drzewiecki, Jessica Dunaway, Draven Dysinger, Courtney Elliott, Oakley Gilmore, Alexis
Goode, Alex Griffith, Austin Grisez, Dreleik Higgins, Landen Honeycutt, Ambyr Hoshauer, Adasia Jacomet,
Jordan Karn, Caitlyn Koons, Haley Krogman, Clay Little, Zachary Lynn, Madison Miller, Newly Mixon, Kylee
Orndorff, Keagan Patton, Zavier Penny, Layne Pequignot, Christian Proffitt, Hannah Ramirez, Hayden Ritchie,
Caitlyn Roberson, Lillie Schaeffer, Kyra Schlagetter, Jordan Schmidt, Devon Sever, Logan Sherman, Jonathan
Slutz, Bryce Sowers, Samuel Stumpff, Elizabeth Swartz, Kylie Weber, Cain Weimer-Hicks, Bryce Young
8th Grade: Hannah Anderson, Alissa Arnett, Gaven Barnes, Colin Baugh, Alexa Burns, Emmaley Cisco, Gage
Davis, Cameron Deal, Skylar Engley, Payton Fergus, Thomas (Mitch) Fletcher, Cameron Foster, Seth Furbee,
Ethan Hammer, Ethan Heidenreich, Jaylen Hensley, Nicolas Karnehm, Alyssa Keeler, Sierra Koehl, Kyler Kommer,
Carter Landers, Katelyn Lear, Kryzel McDade, Lee McPherson, Lauren Mitchell, Collin Moore, Mariah Moreno,
Jarret Powers, Trenton Riley, Jalynne Roberts, Brenden Smith, Morgan Studebaker, Tashaya Tipton, Dakota
Ward, Oaneice Weaver, Wynn Whitt, Melissa Wright, Kathren Young, Mario Young
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It is hard to believe, but the first semester of the 2015–16 school year has already come to an end
and of course that means that it is time for the next round of Parent/Teacher Conferences. With
the large number of students that are cross-teamed this year, we will again follow the “By
Appointment Only” format, with parents given the opportunity to request an individual conference
with only the teacher/teachers they feel they need to see. Conferences will be limited to 10
minutes each and all attempts to schedule conferences back to back will be made, but are not
Conferences for the Junior High will be held on Tuesday, February 9 from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
and also on Wednesday, February 10 from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. If you wish to attend
Parent/Teacher Conferences, please complete the attached form and have your child return it to
the main office. Once your conference time has been scheduled, we will send a notice to confirm
your appointment times home with your child. You may also contact Cathy Barhorst at 937-7782997 ext. 2002 to schedule your appointments over the telephone.
I would like to schedule a conference on: (please indicated 1st and 2nd choice)
February 9, 2015
February 10, 2015
4:00 – 6:00 p.m. _____________
3:00 – 4:30 p.m. ____________________
6:10 – 7:50 p.m. _____________
4:40 – 5:50 p.m. ____________________
I would like to schedule a conference with the following core-academic teachers:
(Please list teacher name or subject. If none are indicated, you will be assigned a time with all 4 of
your child’s core-academic teachers)
I would also like to meet with the following Encore teachers. Not all Encore teachers will be
available both days as they teach at other building also. (please circle)
Band – Mr. Mahaney/Mr. Phlipot
Music – Mrs. Fair/Mr. Westfall
Gifted – Mrs. Wagner (2/9/16 only)
P.E. – Mr. Kaye
Art – Mrs. Siefring
STEM – Mr. Stamper/Mr. Koth
World Lang. – Mrs. Hughes
Student Name______________________________ Parent Signature___________________________
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Feb. 9 – Parent/Teacher Conferences – 4:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Feb. 10 – 1 hr. early dismissal
Feb. 10 - Parent/Teacher Conferences – 3:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Feb. 12 – No School
Feb. 15 – No School
March 3 – NJHS Induction Ceremony – 7:00 p.m.
March 24 – End of third grading period
March 25 – No School
March 28 – No School
April 15 – No School
April 18 – No School
April 28 – PJHS Musical
May 12 – Top 10 Awards Program
May 13 – 8th Grade Dance
May 16 – Spring Band Concert
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