Date: ___________________________ Name: __________________________ Getting to Know Your Agenda What is the school’s phone number? On which page are the consequences of plagiarism? What are 5 things you could write in your agenda? On page 16, who is our school nurse? On what pages are the school’s dress code? On Page 9, rule 2a says that members of the school community must not engage in: In Physics, what is the formula for Newton’s 2nd law? On pg. 2, what is the number for the Kids Help Phone? When is photo day? According to page 43, what does “lucid” mean? What happens if you have 10 lates in a class? On pg 121, what are 3 “don’ts” are far as studying go? FREE Who are WHSS’s coprime ministers this year? When is Take-Your-KidTo-Work Day? How many square yards are there in an acre? List 3 ways you can find out if buses are cancelled or the school closed due to weather: What day in April is the school dance? On page 14, what must you do if you arrive late for class? What percent average do you need to make honour roll? On what page does it show you proper ways to cite or reference your research? What happens if you have 10 unexcused absences? What page is this on? On page 16, how many days from the onset of a course do you have to switch classes? Who would you see about switching classes? In Chemistry, what does the symbol “Sg” stand for? On page 8, what is rule 1d of the standards of behaviour? Be sure to read these over!