November Stock Analysis

Stock Market Analysis #1: Initial Investment
Due: Tuesday, November 10th
Directions: Answer the following questions in complete sentences. You may use tables or charts to support your
ideas and thinking (encourage but not required). Be sure to cite any visuals or articles you use in your responses.
Your responses must be typed. This assignment is due at the beginning of class on November 10 th.
Stock Selection
1. Explain why you selected each of your stocks. Be sure to include why you are particularly interested in the stock
(personal connection, love of technology/fashion/food/travel), and purchase timing (why was it the RIGHT time
to buy).
2. When do you anticipate selling each individual stock? Is your investment long-term (until May) or short-term
(you plan to sell at a certain time before May)?
Current Value
3. Add the section entitled “Current Values” to the right of your “Initial Investment” section of your spreadsheet.
See sample for guidance. You will evaluate your current portfolio value as of Tuesday, November 3rd at close.
Use the closing price for each of your stocks.
4. Once you have determined your Portfolio Value + Savings AND determined your Gain/Loss in dollars, it’s time to
input your status on the CURRENT STATUS tab on the spreadsheet. Type your name and provide the requested
information. Then, highlight your Gain/Loss (red for loss, green for gain).
Next Steps
5. Explain your monthly goals in terms of your portfolio. Do you plan on selling a certain stock if it reaches a
certain price, and reinvesting the money? Be sure to explain your thinking with evidence from the market (news,
conversations with analysts, etc.). Are you going to invest your savings or keep it?
This is not a required component, but it will help you next month if you play around with it now!
**Create a pie chart from Excel showing the percent of each stock you purchased. Hint: The whole pie is your whole
portfolio. How big the pieces are is the percentage that the particular stock takes up in your portfolio. You must
highlight sections of your spreadsheet you want to show on your pie chart (including company/value/shares), then go to
INSERT>CHARTS>SCROLL down and you’ll see all the different types of charts you can make. You can make your chart
on a separate spreadsheet and print it out. Turn in with your analysis.**