ADDENDUM #1 TO RFP #16-617488-cs Budget Forecasting and Resource Management 1)

ADDENDUM #1 TO RFP #16-617488-cs Budget Forecasting and Resource
1) Please elaborate on UCDH’s need for tracking cash flows including common use-cases. Project managers
are asked to fill out a spreadsheet with the forecasted cost and date of purchase for every area of
spend on a project and are expected to update the spreadsheet as new information becomes
available. This spreadsheet that we call a cash flow includes formulas that spread costs according to
the fiscal period that the cost will be incurred. This is the process used to create forecasts of future
spend as well as analyze variances to the original IT budget. Through manual processes, these
spreadsheets are then summarized up into an overall IT forecast and measured against the budget.
Common scenarios that are tracked in the cash flow spreadsheet include: 1) one-time purchases such
as a piece of hardware 2) recurring expenses such as professional services or a contractor employee 3)
prepaid expenses that need to be amortized over future periods – such as a maintenance agreement
4) differentiation between a capital and an operating cost.
2) Please share UCDH’s user counts by role, including the number of project managers, resource managers
and portfolio managers, project team members, view-only users, and time trackers.
We are implementing this product in phases. Phase I will consist of:
25 project managers/resource managers
5 portfolio managers
50 team members
50 view only users
0 time trackers
1) The RFP mentioned no interfaces are planned at this time. How are you getting financial data
into your current Budgeting/Forecasting system/spreadsheet? What is your plan for the new
system? Financial data is currently manually entered into the budget spreadsheets
2) Assuming some level of financial information might need to be pulled from the General ledger,
what ERP system does UC Davis Medical Center use? Version? Does the ERP system have a
“Projects” module or (General Ledger) chart-field that is being deployed today that can be used as
part of this initiative? We use Kuali Financials version 6.0. Currently IT’s cost centers do not
include the capabilities for sub-fields to isolate project activity in the General Ledger. IT uses
another internal system used to track purchase requests using an internally derived project code
and we (manually and in Excel) reconcile project activity.
3) What is UCDHS IT using today for these exact requirements? We use Excel spreadsheets to track the
financial forecasts for IT Projects and through manual processes summarize these spreadsheets into
one overall IT forecast and variance analysis.
4) How many users in the IT Department will be interacting with the Project Planning application? a)
creation and data input. b) reporting a) For Phase I, approximately 150 users; b) 150 users
5) How many users will be interacting with the Planning and Budgeting application? a) creation and data
input. b) reporting a) For Phase I, approximately 150 users; b) 150 users
6) What level of analytics/dashboarding capabilities is UC Davis Medical Center looking for in this
solution? In other words, are you looking for in-depth business intelligence and comprehensive data
visualization/dashboarding capabilities to be part of this solution? If so, what other information might
need to be added to get a meaningful analytic view? 1) IT portfolio and project management is looking
to produce both ad hoc and standardized portfolio/project management analytics including but not
limited to: 1) resource management & utilization dashboards, project schedule roll up and detail,
project status reports; issues and risks. Reports and dashboards must meet project team standards
(reports with at a granular detail level) as well as senior level management standards (high level to
include dashboards/charts). 2) IT Finance would also expect there to be granular level detail and
high level detail views of financial data associated with the project and relevant project attributes. IT
Finance needs to be able to drill down into the lowest level of financial data entered into the tool and
have the ability to pull reports down into Excel.
7) Will users outside of the IT Department use the application? This is not planned for Phase I.
8) Is there a desire to share anticipated budget/forecasting information with the UCDHS outside of IT? If
so, how does IT plan to convey the information, answer questions, etc? We desire to share a
summarized view of project costs by project and fiscal period to senior IT leadership.
9) Will these Budgets/forecasts need to be added to the UCDMC Budget process as a shared service
allocation? If so, how do you do that today? What are their requirements? No n/a
10) Quality Points Scoring Matrix:
Vendor Qualification Statement
Response to Scope of Work
Response to Implementation, Training and Support Requirements
Response to Project Management Requirement
Response to Financial Requirements
Response to Vendor Complete Professional Service Offerings
Total Maximum Quality Points
The Question is, I see the “#1 Vendor ( corporate) Qualification Statement” for 100 points, on
page 7 of the RFP, however we are not seeing questions on #2 Scope of Work, just statements
that we could respond to and nothing specific on #3,4,5 and 6 above. Perhaps we missed this,
please provide more detailed instructions on how to respond to these requirements. Please
refer to the Budget Forecast Resource Management Requirements Spreadsheet posted on the site.
11) Can the bidder point to another implementation Partner that will provide the IT financial
expertise for Higher ED for the implementation portion? They would submit their proposal as a
standalone document. Bidders are welcome to provide information on implementation partners.