Web Commucation and Network Sociology - Examination project Autum 2013 Groupsize: 1 person Report: Your project must include your ideas about: Problem definition – what are the main problematics creating a personal presentation today? See Giddens on self identity – and the need for personal presentation? Goffmans sign Vehicles – how can this be interpreted in your design and the way you communicate? Use Bolter & Grusin’s terms from remediation to describe how you choose to remediate yourself. Explain and discuss how Sensory Branding can be used in relation to your portfolio site? See webcommunication – and how to write on a website Social media – a strategi about why/why not social media in your project? The product: Sketches, mood boards for the presentation portfolio site, you are creating for yourself as a semester project. Mock-up (created in fx photoshop) of your general idea for the design of your portfolio/website. A prototype of your presentation portfolio/website. It is up to you whether you want to create it in Flash, XHTML or based on an existing CMS system. At least 5 pages. Number of pages: 9 normal pages as a max. A normal page is 2.400 keystrokes (incl. spaces) Deadline & counseling: Counseling will take place in week 50 and 51. Deadline Wedensday the 18 of december at 12.00. Create your own folder and write the link on your reports front page – also put the URL for your portfolio on the front page. Deliver Three copies of the report in print (and if you do not have your website on a webhotel) 3 cd’s to Jette at the office no later than the 18 of December at 12.00. Exam When you arrive at exam according to exam-plan you will receive/draw a question. Then you will have 30 minutes of preparation, where you prepare 5-7 minutes of presentation. After your presentation there will be 13 minutes of questioning. You must answer the questions based on your report and your product. Teacher for councelling: Vibeke Sandau (visa@easj.dk)