CHEM HONORS Mr. Dethloff Topics scientific method measurement problem solving energy matter atomic structure periodic table chemical formulas bonding molecular shape chemical equations stoichiometry phases solutions equilibrium acid/base redox electrochemistry kinetics thermodynamics nuclear reactions organic chemistry GRADING PROFILE Work completed in this course will be graded using a point system. Multiple choice tests are 45 points, free response part of the test is 45 points, quizzes are worth 4 points each, notebook (homework) grades are 10 points each, the project (quarter 4) is worth 90 points, and lab reports are worth 30 points. Exceptions to these designated point totals may occur in the term and notice will be given to the students. At the end of each semester, the number of points earned will be divided by the total number of points possible. The following scale will be used to assign letters grades at the conclusion of each semester: 100-90 A 89-87 B+ 86-80 B 79-77 C+ 76-70 C 69-67 D+ 66-60 D 59-0 F Students and parents will be notified of grades by pinnacle. EXTRA CREDIT All graded assignments but the notebook will have extra credit built into them. there is no need to ask for it, it will be there automatically. RESOURCES Main Text: Modern Chemistry- Florida Holt- 2012 Labs and handouts taken from many other sources. REQUIRED MATERIALS Notebook (with pockets) Paper Blue/Black ink pens, pencils Calculator Index Cards Textbook It is imperative that each student be in attendance and prepared for class on a daily basis. Each student is required to have these materials in their possession upon entering the classroom each day. Periodic materials checks will be conducted to ensure that all students are adequately prepared to complete the work assigned for the day. ATTENDANCE Academic success in any course is directly related to the amount of time and effort given to the subject matter being studied. In order to be truly successful, regular daily attendance is required. In the event an absence from class is necessary, it is the sole responsibility of the student to make up all work missed during his/her absence. TEST POLICY Students are responsible for making up any missed test or quiz. Missed exams can be taken at lunch, before school, or during class and you must let me know in advance of your choosing to do so. HOMEWORK POLICY Homework is assigned on a regular basis by the IFC. Homework assignments may include such things as textbook readings, problems, laboratory reports and special projects. No homework assignments will be accepted late. If the homework assignment is not submitted on the day it is due, no credit will be given for the assignment. The daily quizzes are based on the homework assignments. DISCIPLINE GUIDELINES Appropriate classroom conduct in accordance with the Broward County Public Schools Code and Conduct Book is expected of all students. In addition, proper respect for everyone is required to ensure a pleasant and efficient learning environment in the classroom. The following discipline plan for category I offenses will be used in the event of inappropriate conduct on the part of the student: First Offense: Verbal warning, parent notified Second Offense: Student/teacher Conference: teacher intervention: parent notified Third Offense: Student/Counselor conference Fourth Offense: Counselor referral and parent/teacher conference Fifth Offense: Administrative referral (Administration contacts parents) Insubordination, verbal or physical fighting and other severe offenses (Category II) will result in an automatic referral to administration. PROJECTS Expectations and guidelines will be given to the student regarding the projects. No late projects will be accepted. Students will have 3 weekends to complete the projects. All work will be done at home for the projects. It will be in quarter 4. CHEATING Cheating is obtaining any information from sources other than those prescribed by the teacher for the specific assignment. Some examples of cheating are: having a cheat sheet, copying from someone else’s paper during an exam or homework assignment, talking during a test, plagiarism, and allowing others to cheat by giving information/answers to others. If a student is found to be cheating, a parent will be notified, and the student will be given a zero for the assignment. A possible referral to dean/counselor will follow. LEARNING STRATEGIES problem solving critical thinking cooperative learning integrating curriculum lab work ASSESSMENTS tests quizzes lab reports projects notebook GOAL FOR THE CLASS The goal of this class is to make you better critical thinkers and problem solvers through the science taught. Mr. Dethloff Chemistry Honors 2015-2016 CUT BOTTOM PORTION OFF HERE ________________________________________________________________ I have received and read the syllabus, classroom rules, and hints pages for chemistry honors and I understand that we will be following the pacing guide provided on the IFC. Student’s signature ____________________________ Date ________ Parent/Guardian signature ______________________ Date ________