Chapter 4: The Empire in Transition DQ #1: To what extent were the

Chapter 4: The Empire in Transition
DQ #1: To what extent were the major actions taken by the British from 1763 to 1770 justified?
I. Britain’s Attempts to Overly Enforce its Power and Control were Inappropriate
Currency Act of 1764
Required colonial assemblies to stop issuing paper money and to retire all paper money in circulation
o Imbalance of TradeColonists suffered a trade deficit from Britain Currency Act exacerbated the issue
Establishment of British- favored Vice Admiralty Courts
o Courts for smugglers favored Britain’s opinion instead of a fair court
o Had interests of British merchants in mind (did not trust colonial currency) without considering the threat
of a destabilized economy in the Colonies
B. Mutiny Act of 1765
Colonists were required to assist in provisioning and maintaining the army
o British did not have right to require colonists to provide for armies  should not be able to lay their
burdens onto the colonies and reduce their own cost providing for the soldiers
o Colonists did not have a choice, Britain did not ask  forced to give provision to army
Colonial manufacturing was restricted so it would not compete with the expanding industry of Great Britain
o England was purposely stunting the colonies’ growth to ensure itself was the greatest stepping its
colonies under feet for unjustified and selfish reasons
C. Boston Massacre (March 1770)
Several British soldiers fired into a crowd of colonists
Britain established troops in Boston to enforce power reminder that colonists are not independent of Britain
o British soldiers were already coarse and provocative, competed with colonists for jobs in a tight market
o Colonists threw snowballs resulted in gunfire  British were too hasty to reinforce their control over
colonists, did not have the right to shoot at mob
III. Settlement Boundaries drawn by Great Britain were Necessary in order to Prevent Conflicts with Natives
Proclamation of 1763
o Forbade settlers to advance beyond a line drawn along the Appalachian mountains
o Preventing Conflicts with Native Americans
1. After French left colonists began moving west Indians of the region protested to this
intrusion and an alliance of tribes struck out against the Colonists
2. Proclamation was issued afterwards to prevent escalation of fighting that would harm
colonial settlement and the settlers themselves appropriate action of protection by England
Allowed London to Control the Westward Movement- land
1. Moving west in an orderly manner
2. Conflicts with tribes: militarily costly and dangerous to trade  could be limited
3. Appropriate to save money, move in organization, keep trade going
II. Taxation was Required to Pay off England’s War Debt
Sugar Act of 1764
Raised the duty on sugar
Raised money for England’s war debt
Appropriate  paying England back for their protection in the form of a tax
Eliminated the illegal trade between colonies and French and Spanish
o Purpose of colonies was to create new markets for England
o Illegal trade hurt the British West Indies market evaded taxes
o Trading with enemy markets defeated the purpose of the establishment of the colonies
Stamp Act of 1765
Act of the Parliament of Great Britain on the colonies of America that imposed a tax on all printed materials
Purpose was to raise revenue to help pay off England’s war debt after the Seven Year’s war
o Raising revenue could only succeed if a system of taxation by London was introduced, not half hearted
attempts by colonial assemblies
o Stamp Act= necessary because war was also fought for colonists’ benefit, their protection  only fair if
colonists take part in paying off the cost
o Wasn’t too heavy of a burden nor unreasonable, stamps were not very expensive
Townshend Duties of 1767
Levied new taxes on various goods imported to the colonies from England- lead, paint, paper and tea
o Mercantilism  enriching the mother country, colonies produce profit
o British had right to tax goods because of mercantilism
o Pays off war debt for England, colonists are treated like regular English citizens
CONCLUSION: In the 1760’s, England tightened its hold with policies that had a massive impact on the Colonies. Although
Britain’s attempts to enforce its power and control were largely unnecessary, taxing the colonists was needed to pay off England’s
huge war debt after winning the Seven Years War. Boundaries drawn by Great Britain were imperative in protecting the colonists and
preventing disorganized and dangerous movement into the ceded land. Despite causing hostile relationships between the colonies
and their mother country, Great Britain’s actions towards the colonists were justified and acceptable.