8th Grade American History Vocabulary - POLK-FL


8th Grade American History Vocabulary

Abolition - An end to slavery

American Revolution - War between U.S. colonies and Great Britain in which the colonies gained their independence

Citizen - a native or naturalized person who owes allegiance to the government and is entitled to protection from a government

Civil War - The war between Northern and Southern states which ultimately ended slavery and solidified unification of the country

Confederacy - Nation formed by the Southern States on February 4th, 1861

Declaration of Independence - Statement of the Second Continental Congress that defined the colonists rights, outlined their complaints against Great Britain and declared the colonies independence1776

Desegregation - Ending the separation of people based on race

Discrimination - unfair difference in treatment based on prejudice

Due process - fair application of law

Emancipation Proclamation - 1862 order issued by President Abraham Lincoln freeing the slaves in areas rebelling against the union. Took effect January 1, 1863

Imperialism - the practice of building empires by founding colonies or conquering other nations

Jim Crowe laws - laws that enforce segregation in the southern states

Loyalists - colonists who sided with Britain in the American Revolution

Mercantilism - practice of creating and maintaining wealth by carefully controlling trade, as in countries using colonies for financial resources

Participatory government - a type of government in which citizens are actively involved in choosing government officials and determining policies

Patriots - American colonists who fought for independence from Great Britain

Prejudice - unfair treatment of someone based on race, religion, gender, or place of birth

Reconstruction - period following the Civil War during which the U.S. government worked to reunite the nation and rebuild the southern states

Segregation - forced separation of people of different races in public places

Veto - to cancel, as in a presidential veto

World power - a developed nation with substantial economic and military influence

World war - a world-wide conflict spanning multiple continents
