2015-CHEMISTRY Syllabus 11th Grade Chemistry (CP) Instructor: Varant Chinchinian Course Aim: Chemistry is the study of the composition, structure, and properties of matter and the changes it undergoes. Instruments are used routinely in chemistry to extend our ability to observe and make measurements. Course Description: Welcome to CP Chemistry! This year we will cover many exciting topics. This is an inquiry-based class that combines traditional teaching techniques such as lecture with hands-on techniques to increase student involvement and understanding. All content covered in this course is tied to the California Standards for Chemistry. Required Text: Anthony C. Wilbraham, Dennis D. Staley, Michael S. Matta, Edward L. Waterman (2008). Chemistry Course Materials/Supplies: Unit manuals, paper, writing utensil, three-ring binder, calculator. Letter equivalent to number grades: A+ 99 - 100 A 94 - 98 A- 90 - 93 B+ 87 - 89 B 84 - 86 B- 80 - 83 C+ 77 - 79 C 74 - 76 C- 70 - 73 D+ 67 - 69 D 64 - 66 D- 60 - 63 F 59 - 0 Grades such as 89.5 will be rounded up to the next highest digit. Extra credit may be given to the whole class as an opportunity for students to raise their scores for future grades. Evaluation and Grading Scale Tests Quizzes Labs/Lab Reports Projects Presentations/Homework Total 45% 20% 20% 10% 5% 100% 1 Late/make-up work receives 1/2 credit and must be received by the end of the following day. Missed Tests and Quizzes: can only be made up before or after school in this room, mornings and after school only! You have three days from the day of the missed test/quiz to make up for them. All work due to an unexcused absence is worth a zero. If an absence is prolonged, see me to develop a make-up calendar. Progress reports will be sent out during the 5th week of each quarter. Cheating: In the first instance of cheating, the student will receive an 'F' grade for the work involved. Subsequent cheating will result in disciplinary action that may lead to loss of credit for the class. Professionalism: You are a professional student - TAKE PRIDE IN YOUR WORK! A good rule of thumb is to compare your behavior in this class to that at work. What is not acceptable in a workplace is not acceptable here. The following guidelines will be used to grade written assignments: o Complete sentences will be used in assignments unless otherwise directed. A one word or short phrase answer will not earn full credit on assignments needing complete sentences. o Support for answers should be included in your response. Referring to the text is an example of how to support an answer. o Follow the assignment professionalism guidelines explained by your teacher. Work Habits and Citizenship Grade O: Outstanding: Student has exemplary behavior and has turned at the most one assignment late, has maximum participation points, and always has materials ready for class. S: Satisfactory: Student has occasionally broken classroom rules and has turned in at the most two assignments late, has more than average participation points, and has not brought materials for class only once or twice. N: Needs Improvement: Student has broken classroom and school rules and has turned in at most three assignments late or has failed to turn in one assignment, has average participation points, and not brought materials for class three or four times. U: Unsatisfactory: Student frequently breaks classroom rules and has turned in more than three assignments late or has failed to turn in two or more assignments, has below average participation points, and not brought materials for class more than four times. Standards: Students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that promotes a proper learning environment and reflects positively on themselves, their classmates, teachers, family and community. Each student 2 automatically becomes a citizen of our school, both receiving privileges and accepting responsibilities including: Respect of Property: Keep your school a clean, neat and safe environment. Respect of Authority: Show respect, follow direction and identify yourself and activity when asked. Respect for Others: Show courtesy and tolerance; respect differences; make others welcome. Respect for Self: Be successful and reach your full potential. Be the best you can be. Class Rules Be in class on time and be prepared No food or drink in classroom Respect students, teacher, classroom and equipment Raise your hand to ask a question, and wait for the teacher’s permission to talk Consequences for Breaking the Rules First time: Second time: Third time: Fourth time: Fifth time: Warning Teacher conferences with the student Notice to parent Teacher assigned detention Referral to the Vice Principal’s office Hall Passes Students out of class must have with them a hall pass issued by a staff member. Students without a pass will be returned to their classroom and/or disciplined. Contacting the Instructor: I will be available both before school for extra help in the computer lab, room #106. I can be reached by calling the school at (626) 794-0363, or at the following email address: vchinchinian@agbuphs.org 3