MLA Formatting

MLA Formatting
MLA = Modern Language
Keep a record of all of your sources!
For a Book:
 Author/s
 Title
 City of Publication
 Publisher’s Name
 Year of publication (copyright date)
Keep a record of all of your sources!
Book, single author
Hellman, Hal. Great Feuds in Medicine: Ten
of the Liveliest Disputes Ever. New
York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2001.
Book, two or three authors
McNab, David, and James Younger. The
Planets. London: Yale University Press,
Internet--Online Databases (InfoTrac, EBSCO, etc.)
Keep a record of all of your sources!
For the Internet—Online Databases
 Article title
 Title of the database
 Date article published (if available)
 The date you accessed the information
 The web address (url)
Internet--Online Databases (InfoTrac, EBSCO, etc.)
Keep a record of all of your sources!
From InfoTrac Biography Resource:
“A. A. Milne.” Contemporary Authors Online. 2007. Reproduced in Biography
Resource Center. 5 Jan. 2007
From World Book Online:
Hartman, John. "Argentina." World Book Online Reference Center. 2007. 12
Feb. 2007 <>.
“Anorexia, Bullimia Prove Gene Related.” USA Today Magazine Oct. 2006.
EBSCOHost Student Research Center. 26 Jan. 2006
Internet Sites
Keep a record of all of your sources!
1For the Internet
 Title (must have)
 The web address (must have)
 The date you accessed the information (must have)
 Web article title
 Author
 Name of the sponsoring organization or company
 The date the web page was last updated
Internet Sites
Keep a record of all of your sources!
"Diabetes Information." U.S. Food and Drug Administration. 2002.
Department of Health and Human Services. 19 Jan 2007
“Taking Part in the Active Lifestyle Program.” The President’s
Challenge 25 Mar. 2007