Principles of Communication 1 Principles of Communication ■ Communication is a process ■ Communication is a system ■ Communication is both interactional and transactional ■ Communication can be intentional and unintentional 2 Communication is a process 3 Communication is a process ■ Because it involves a series of actions which are ■ ■ ■ ongoing and is constantly changing. The relationship of all the components at a certain time in a process of communication cannot be duplicated. Communication is ever-changing and capable of making changes. Communication takes place within a flow. 4 Communication is a system ■ A system is a combination of parts interdependently ■ ■ acting to form a whole. If one part is not functioning properly, the other parts are affected. Therefore in a communication, if one component is not functioning properly, the whole process is affected. 5 Communication is both Interactional and Transactional ■ The interactional and transactional nature of communication should be considered together. 6 Communication is interactional 7 Communication is transactional 8 Communication can be Intentional and Unintentional ■ When one communicate with another, s/he intends a ■ certain specific message, with specific purpose and specific meanings. Communication occurs regardless whether it is intended or unintended. 9 Types of Communication 10 Types of communication ■ Intrapersonal communication ■ Interpersonal communication ■ Small group communication ■ Organizational communication ■ Public communication 11 Types of communication ■ Mass communication ■ Mediated communication ■ Intercultural communication 12 Competency and skills in communication 13 Misconceptions about communication 14 Communication is a cure-all ■ Communication has the magical power to solve all ■ ■ problems. The act of communicating does give any guarantee that problems will be solved. Of course by communicating, we can reduce problems. ■ The most important thing in communication is the meaning of the message. 15 Quantity equals quality ■ What do you think? 16 Meanings are in the words they use ■ ? 17 The ability to communicate is inherent in us. ■ What do you think? 18 Communication is reversible ■ Can we? 19 Improving Communication Competence ■ Communication competence is the ability to engage in ■ ■ ■ effective communication. To be competent in communication, we need to have good understanding and good skills. One of the skills is to be able to choose what is the best action in a particular situation. Good communicators have a broad communication repertoire. 20 Ethics in Communication ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Honesty Respect Concern for others Open mindedness Clarity No manipulation or coercion ■ Would there be times when there is conflict in terms of ethics? 21 Please remember that there is also THE COMMUNICATION BETWEEN US AND GOD 22 References: ■ Seiler, W. J (2008). Communication. Making ■ ■ ■ Connections (7th ed). Boston: Pearson Verderber . R.F and Verderber , K. S. (2005). Communicate ( 11th ed). Belmont : Thomson. Tyler, S, Kossen, C., and Ryan, C (2002). Communication. A Foundation Course. Revised edition. NSW, AU: Prentice Hall Hybels, S. and Weaver II, R. L (2004). Communicating Effectively ( 7th ed) .Boston: Mc Graw Hill 23