
Joints (Articulations)
o Articulation—________________________________________________________
o Functions of joints:
 ______________________________________________
 ______________________________________________
Classification of Joints
o Joints are classified and sub classified in many ways
o The first is by structure:
 ____________________
 ____________________
 ____________________
o The first 2 reflect the type of connective tissues binding them together
o Synovial allows many ranges of movement and is the one we think of when we think of
 Three functional classifications:
 Synarthroses—__________________________
 Amphiarthroses—__________________________
 Diarthroses—_________________________
Fibrous Joints
o ___________________________________________________________________
o _____________________________
o Most are synarthrotic (___________________)
o Three types:
 ______________________
 Rigid, interlocking joints containing short connective tissue fibers
 Allow for growth during youth
 In middle age, sutures ossify and are called synostoses
 ______________________
 Bones connected by ligaments (bands of fibrous tissue)
 Movement varies from immovable to slightly movable
 ______________________
 Peg-in-socket joints of teeth in alveolar sockets
 Fibrous connection is the periodontal ligament
Cartilaginous Joints
o Bones united by cartilage
o ______________________________
o Two types:
 __________________________
 _________________________________________________________
 All are synarthrotic
 __________________________
 _________________________________________________________
 Strong, flexible amphiarthroses
Synovial Joints
o Include all limb joints; most joints of the body
o Distinguishing features:
 __________________________________________________________
 __________________________________________________________
 Outer fibrous capsule of dense irregular connective tissue
 Inner synovial membrane of loose connective tissue
 __________________________________________________________
 Lubricates and nourishes articular cartilage
 __________________________________________________________
 __________________________________________________________
 Join bone to bone and can be inside or outside of the joint capsule
 __________________________________________________________
 Small packets of connective tissue containing synovial fluid
Movements at Synovial Joints
o _____________________________
o _____________________________
 Flexion, extension, hyperextension
 Abduction and adduction
 Circumduction
o _____________________________
 Pronation (_______________) and supination (_________________)
o _____________________________
 Dorsiflexion, plantar flexion of the foot
 Inversion, eversion
 Protraction, retraction
 Opposition
Gliding Movements
o _____________________________________________________________________
o Examples:
 Intercarpal joints
 Intertarsal joints
 Between articular processes of vertebrae
Angular Movements
o _____________________________________________________________________
 __________________—decreases the angle of the joint
 __________________— increases the angle of the joint
 __________________—excessive extension beyond normal range of motion
Angular Movements
o _____________________________________________________________________
 __________________—movement away from the midline
 __________________—movement toward the midline
 __________________—flexion + abduction + extension + adduction of a limb so
as to describe a cone in space
o _______________________________________________________________________
o Examples:
 Between C1 and C2 vertebrae
 Rotation of humerus and femur
Special Movements
o Movements of the foot:
 ___________________ (upward movement) (digging your heal)
 ___________________ (downward movement) (standing on your tiptoe)
 ___________________ (turn sole medially)
 ___________________ (turn sole laterally)
o Movements in a transverse plane:
 ___________________ (anterior movement)
 ___________________ (posterior movement)
o ___________________ (lifting a body part superiorly)
o ___________________ (moving a body part inferiorly)
o ____________________________________
 Movement in the saddle joint so that the thumb touches the tips of the other
Structural Classification of Synovial Joints
o Six types, based on shape of articular surfaces:
 _____________________
 Flat or slightly curved surfaces
 Short gliding movements
 _____________________
 Motion along a single plane
 _________________ and __________________ only
 _____________________
 Rounded end of one bone conforms to a “sleeve,” or ring of the other
 Permits rotation only
 _____________________ (____________________)
 Both articular surfaces are oval
 One bone nestled in a depression on the other
 Permit all _________________ movements
 _____________________
 Allow greater freedom of movement than condyloid joints
 Each articular surface has both concave and convex areas
 _____________________
 _____________________________________________________
Shoulder (______________________) Joint
o _________________________________________________________________
o Easily and most frequently dislocated joint
 Stability is sacrificed for greater freedom of movement
o Ball-and-socket joint: ________________________________________________
o Bursae of this joint are especially large and numerous to reduce the great amount of
friction that happens here
 Inflammation of these bursae can cause restriction of motion and pain _________________________________________________________
Elbow Joint
o __________________________________________________________________
o Hinge joint formed mainly by the _____________________________________
o Extremely stable for 3 reasons:
 The bony surfaces of the humerus and ulna interlock
 The _____________________ is very thick
 The capsule is reinforced by ____________________
Hip (__________________) Joint
o __________________________________________________________________
o Head of the femur articulates with the acetabulum of the coxal bone
o The combination of an almost complete bony socket, a strong joint capsule, supporting
ligaments, and muscular padding makes this an extremely stable joint
o __________________________________________________________________
Knee Joint
o __________________________________________________________________
o Three joints surrounded by a single joint cavity:
 ____________________________________________________________
 ____________________________________________________________
o At least 12 associated bursae
o Joint capsule is reinforced by muscle tendons and ligaments
 ____________________________________________________________
 ____________________________________________________________
 ____________________________________________________________