DICOM Structured Reporting


DICOM Structured Reporting

Current Status and Role in the Electronic Patient Record

Harry Solomon

Co-chair, DICOM WG1 - Cardiovascular Information

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What is DICOM Structured Reporting?

• A means of encoding structured information …

• hierarchical tree of content items, using DICOM object syntax

• For vendor-independent exchange between systems …

• leveraging the DICOM object management infrastructure

• Providing unambiguous documentation of meaning …

• text, categorical codes, numeric measurements, inter-item relationships

• For the image-intensive clinical environment

• careful attention to clinical observation context

• robust references to DICOM images, waveforms

Solomon, DICOM SR European Society of Cardiology 2 September 2001 page 2

Structured Reporting is Not...

• DICOM SR is not just “reports”

– any structured data exchanged between systems

– measurements, analyses, sonographer notes ...

• DICOM SR is not Structured Data Entry

– Hierarchical pull-down menus to support report creation is often denoted “structured reporting”

– DICOM does not standardize applications or data entry techniques

– Structured data entry is a valuable means of creating SR content in certain circumstances

Solomon, DICOM SR European Society of Cardiology 2 September 2001 page 3

Where Can Cardiology Use SR?

• Clinical Reports (cath, echo, nuc, etc.)

– to go along with our pretty DICOM pictures

• Analyses of raw image and waveform data

– backing up the Clinical Report

• Documentation of the procedure

– provide context for the raw data and analyses

• Input to a clinical database

– for patient care over time, or outcomes analysis

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Cath Lab Report


67 yr old male, history of …

Ref prior ECG report


Ref Log

Narrative ...



Ref HD Report

Narrative ...


70% stenosis ...

Ref image


Stent placed in LAD …

Ref image



Cath Lab Example

12:21 Pt released to holding

12:24 HD Report

Hemo Report


Ref waveform

Measurements …


Ref waveform

Measurements …

Derived measurements

Ref waveform

Structured Reporting is the glue that makes possible construction of an electronic patient record for cardiology

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• Work began in 1994

– Championed by Dr. Dean Bidgood

• Supplement 23: Structured Reporting -

April 2000

– Defined general format for SR objects

• DICOM header, hierarchical tree of content items

• Concepts represented by coded terminology using external

(non-DICOM) lexicons [e.g., Reed codes, SNOMED anatomy,

ICD-9/10 diagnosis or procedure codes, SCP-ECG lead IDs]

– Defined general classes of clinical reports

– Extremely flexible

Solomon, DICOM SR European Society of Cardiology 2 September 2001 page 7

The Problem of Flexibility

• A document creator can put in anything in any structure

• A document reader must handle every possible document

• Need to constrain the SR content to enable meaningful receiving applications

– Structure

– Content

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• Supplement 53: Content Mapping Resource May


– Defined general structure for templates : document patterns

– Mechanism for terminology context groups : constrained vocabulary subsets

– Fundamental templates for documenting clinical context and for basic reports

– DICOM lexicon for vocabulary not externally available

Solomon, DICOM SR European Society of Cardiology 2 September 2001 page 9

So Theoretically ...

• DICOM Structured Reporting is ready to be implemented for cardiology!

But Pragmatically …

Solomon, DICOM SR European Society of Cardiology 2 September 2001 page 10

Issues for Cardiology SR

• Uses not well covered by “clinical report” model

– Procedure logs, preliminary measurement reports

• Many ways to encode the same information

– Need consistent approach for interoperability

• Need tailored subset of SR for developers

– Reduce the learning curve

Need Cardiology-specific SR Templates and consensus Terminology

Solomon, DICOM SR European Society of Cardiology 2 September 2001 page 11

Cardiology SR Efforts

• Supplement 66: Cath Lab SR (WG1)

– Procedure Log

– Hemodynamics Report

– ECG Report

– Quantitative Analysis Report

– Cath Lab Report

• Supplement 26: Ultrasound SR (WG12)

– Echocardiography Report

• Both to be released for Public Comment this autumn

Solomon, DICOM SR European Society of Cardiology 2 September 2001 page 12

Procedure Log Issues

• Structure - flat

• Ordering - strictly time sequential

• Linkage of events - associative Procedure Step /

Action ID

• SOP Class - distinct from reports

• Remote entries - new Application Event Logging

Service Class

Solomon, DICOM SR European Society of Cardiology 2 September 2001 page 13

Hemodynamic Report Issues

• SOP Class - Cath Lab Measurements (together with QCA, QVA, IVUS measurements, etc.)

– Distinction from report titles

• Structure - deep hierarchy

• Terminology - post-coordinated, context from hierarchy

Solomon, DICOM SR European Society of Cardiology 2 September 2001 page 14

Hemo Report Structure

Hemo Report


Baseline Phase


Patient State


Post-Contrast Phase


Patient State


Post-Intervention Phase


Arterial Measurements



Location =

L Fem Art

Systolic Pres

Diastolic Pres

Mean Pres

Arterial Measurements



Location =


Systolic Pres

Ventricular Measurements


Diastolic Pres

Mean Pres

Gradient Measurements


Find out more

• http://www.pixelmed.com/srbook.html

– David Clunie’s excellent introduction to DICOM SR

• ftp://medical.nema.org/medical/dicom/supps

– text of draft supplements

• http://www.dicomwg12.org/structured_reporting

– echocardiography SR

• subscribe to WG1 email list

– send request to how_clark@nema.org

Solomon, DICOM SR European Society of Cardiology 2 September 2001 page 16

Thank you



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