Ejercicio base de datos inicio (30766)

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(Puelz, Carvalho, & Hahn, 2015)David Puelz, Carlos M. Carvalho, P. Richard Hahn.
This paper considers the problem of isolating a small number of exchange traded funds (ETFs)
that suffice to capture the fundamental dimensions of variation in U.S. financial markets. First,
the data is fit to a vector-valued Bayesian regression model, which is a matrix-variate
generalization of the well known stochastic search variable selection (SSVS) of George and
McCulloch (1993). ETF selection is then performed using the decoupled shrinkage and selection
(DSS) procedure described in Hahn and Carvalho (2015), adapted in two ways: to the vectorresponse setting and to incorporate stochastic covariates. The selected set of ETFs is obtained
under a number of different penalty and modeling choices. Optimal portfolios are constructed
from selected ETFs by maximizing the Sharpe ratio posterior mean, and they are compared to
the (unknown) optimal portfolio based on the full Bayesian model. We compare our selection
results to popular ETF advisor Wealthfront.com. Additionally, we consider selecting ETFs by
modeling a large set of mutual funds.
1. Análisis de la inversión bajo distintos escenarios productivos del nogal pecanero
en la Sierra de Sonora.
Manuel Arturo Coronado García, José Jesús Meza Montaño, Mercedes García Porchas,
Víctor Guadalupe Santiago.
El presente análisis pretende responder algunas interrogantes generadas por productores de
nogal pecanero ubicados en la sierra de Sonora, sobre todo a los de reciente incorporación a
esta actividad. Estos cuestionamientos se encaminan a los rendimientos potenciales de las
huertas, a su manejo, a los posibles procesos de generación de valor, y a la rentabilidad en
distintos horizontes, debido a que algunas unidades productivas manifiestan tener, o bien,
piensan adquirir árboles en distintas fases de desarrollo. Se presentan resultados generados
por una evaluación económica financiera en escenarios diferentes, en relación a las huertas que
cuentan con árboles en distintas etapas de producción, todo ello con parámetros apegados a
la realidad de la región.
2. Value versus growth investing: Why do different investors have different styles?
Cronqvist, H., Siegel, S., & Yu, F.
We find that several factors explain an individual investor‫׳‬s style, i.e., the value versus growth
orientation of the investor‫׳‬s stock portfolio. First, we find that an investor‫׳‬s style has a biological
basis and is partially ingrained in an investor from birth. Second, we show that an investor‫׳‬s
hedging demands as well as behavioral biases explain investment style. Finally, an investor‫׳‬s
style is explained by life course theory in that experiences, both earlier and later in life, are
related to investment style. Investors with adverse macroeconomic experiences (e.g., growing
up during the Great Depression or entering the labor market during an economic recession) or
who grow up in a lower socioeconomic status rearing environment have a stronger value
orientation several decades later. Our research contributes a new perspective to the longstanding value and growth debate in finance.
3. The Relationship between Discounts and Premiums and Value Investing Theory.
Kábrt, T.
The aim of this topic is to provide a different view on the theory of value investing through
exploration of discounts and premiums. Method of discounts and premiums comes from the
field of business valuation and answers the question, why the price of certain stock is overvalued
or undervalued compared in contrast with an average. The first chapter of this thesis deals with
general issues of value investing and method of choosing appropriate shares. The next section
presents a theory of discounts and premiums. The last chapter tests a sample of stocks selected
on the basis of the value investment approach and surveys that sample of stocks by the
approach of discounts and premiums.
En la siguiente Tabla coloque la Base de Datos que utilizo y la referencia bibliográfica.
Consulte qué es una cita bibliográfica según normas apa
Tabla 1. Bases de Datos utilizadas y referencias bibliográficas
Cita Bibliográfica de libros y artículos de revistas
Puelz, D., Carvalho, C. M., & Hahn, R. P. (2015). Optimal ETF
selection for pasive investing. ARXIV.
García, M. A. C., Montaño, J. J. M., Porchas, M. G.,
Hernández, V. G. S., & Yánez, A. C. Análisis de la
inversión bajo distintos escenarios productivos del nogal
pecanero en la Sierra de Sonora* Investment analysis
under different production scenarios for pecan tree in
Sierra de Sonora.
Cronqvist, H., Siegel, S., & Yu, F. (2015). Value versus
growth investing: Why do different investors have different
styles?. Journal of Financial Economics.
Kábrt, T. (2015). The Relationship between Discounts and
Premiums and Value Investing Theory. Procedia
Economics and Finance, 25, 220-226.
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