
Analyze: What issues have arisen between the United
States and England that have caused tensions between the
two nations in the first three presidential administrations?
EQ: What were the causes and effects of the War of 1812?
 The student will be able to describe the
causes and effects of the War of 1812 between the
United States and England as evidenced by complete
Cornell Notes and multi-flow map with 80% accuracy
 Where does today’s objective fit into the EARLY
REPUBLIC learning goal scale?
 What do you need to be able to accomplish with these
objectives today to SCALE Everest?
 TOC-Page 83: War of 1812 Cornell Notes
Why does this objective matter?
 Presidents Washington, Adams, and Jefferson had all
worked hard to avoid war with Britain and France. But
finally, in 1812, the United States had enough…they
declared war on Britain.
1. New Vocabulary
 Nationalism: pride in one’s country
 War Hawks: Those eager and ready to fight England
 Blockade: shutting a port or road to prevent the
movement of people or supplies from coming in or out
(typically occurs during war times)
 Secede: withdraw
2. Moving toward WAR with
 In the election of 1808,
Democratic-Republicans seat both
the president and vice president:
James Madison(122) and George
 Tensions between the US and
Britain were high when Madison
took office (for OBVIOUS reasons)
 Americans remained angry that
Britain continued to arm natives,
impress US soldiers, and seize US
merchant ships
 It also simply came down to the
issue of nationalism and
defending our country’s honor and
3. Declaring War
 In June of 1810, Congress declared war
on Britain
War came at a bad time for England,
they were still at war with France!
But, it soon became apparent the
Jefferson's military cuts had weakened
our military strength
We were down to only 16
warships..during the war 15 would be
out of commission, leaving only one
the USS Constitution
England made the first move in the
early days of the war by blockading
the American coast with their navy
Old Ironside
4. Major War Events
 USS Constitution defeats British warship
Guerriere in a fierce sea battle
 Americans under General William Hull
invaded Canada from Detroit and
suffered a serious defeat
 British attacked the nation’s capital at
DC in August of 1814. The White House
and many government buildings were
burned, Americans were astonished
troops could not defend the capital
 Francis Scott Key wrote the Star Spangled
Banner on the back of an old envelope on
the morning after the British attack on
Fort McHenry, which became our
national anthem
5. The War’s End
 By 1814, Britain had grown tired of war
 Peace talks began in Ghent, Belgium
 On Christmas Eve of 1814, the two
countries signed the Treaty of Ghent
which ended the war
 The treaty simply returned things to the
way they were prior to the war
 To some Americans the war was the
“Second War of Independence” and once
and for all secured our separation from
 The war of 1812 American entered a new
era of confidence with a new found
period of unity and calm.
Multi-Flow Map and Progress
 To summarize today’s objective you will follow along as
we create a multi-flow map showing the causes and
effects of the war of 1812
going for
 Complete progress chart for objective O
 Are you SCALING EVEREST? We are close to finishing
this unit…what can you do to help you achieve