War of 1812 Stations Activity

Period# _________
War of 1812 Stations Activity
As you rotate through each of the stations, answer the questions on this sheet that correspond with the
appropriate question. Your end goal is to be able to answer the following Big Question:
What were the causes and effects of the War of 1812?
Station One –
What does the term nationalism mean?
In what region of the nation was the war with Britain favored the strongest?
In what regions of the nation was the war with Britain most opposed?
Station Two –
Why was Tecumseh attempting to obtain an alliance between Native American tribes?
Who do we know was still arming the Native Americans, despite agreeing not to?
Re-read the last sentence of “Harrison’ Victory” – were the Native Americans completely finished
after Tippecanoe?
Station Three –
What political party did James Madison belong to?
How did James Madison’s party feel about England?
How did the Federalists feel about the war?
Station Four –
Why did the Americans suffer an early defeat?
Oliver Hazard Perry’s win on Lake Erie gave America back control of what key city?
Native Americans suffered defeat in what two areas?
Station Five –
Americans were shocked to learn what about their army?
After the treaty of Ghent, was there really a winner?
How was America viewed by European nations after the war?
After completing the entire activity, answer the big question - What were the causes and effects of the
War of 1812?