War of 1812 Worksheet

War of 1812
Use the interactive timeline to answer the following
questions in complete sentences.
Then save this answer sheet to you digital back pack.
1) Between 1803-1807, how many American ships were seized by France and
England combined? How many Americans were impressed into the British Navy?
2) What event on November 7th, 1811 led Native Americans to join forces with the
3) America did what for the first time on June 18th 1812?
4) Where did the 1st engagements (battles) take place during the War of 1812?
5) What nation did we invade in July of 1812?
6) Who won the election of 1812?
7) When did Americans begin to occupy Florida?
8) What ‘great disgrace’ did America suffer in August of 1814?
9) Did the signing of the Treaty of Ghent on December 24th 1814 end the war right
10) What major victory was won by the Americans on January 8th, 1815?
11) What American general is credited with this victory?
12) When did Congress ratify the Treaty of Ghent, officially ending the war?
13) Look back over the time line, what branch of the military did the majority of
fighting during the War of 1812?
Click on the flag icon at the top of the timeline page that is labeled star spangled. Use
the information to answer the following questions in complete sentences.
14) Who wrote the Star Spangled Banner and what had he witnessed to inspire him?
15) When did the song become the national anthem?