

Internal Medicine

By Svetlana Gorbounov


April, 2006


Patient ID: 28 y/o male

CC : follow up Bell’s palsy.

History of Present Illness

 Right face numbness and tingling with:

 progressing right ear and right retroauricular pain, 8/10 inability to close right eye, it’s dryness

 taste disturbance x 2 days

HPI (continued)

 ED dx: Bell's palsy

 Tx: Prednisone 20 mg tid,

Zovirax 400 mg x 5 /day

 States: often hiking in the forest for the past month.

 Denies: tick bite, skin rashes, facial swelling, hx of herpes, HIV, DM, TB, resent cold, previous hx of facial palsy, family hx of facial palsy

Past Medical History

 Childhood diseases:

 chicken pox x 4. No chronic medical conditions.

 Surgeries: none

 Hospitalizations: none

Family History

 Father 55 y/o - HTN, allergic rhinitis.

 Mother 45 y/o W&A.

 Siblings: 2 brothers and 2 sisters, all


 Children 3 and 7 y/o, both W&A.

Social History

 Married x 8 years, good relationship, monogamous.

 Works as sales representative. Reports high stress level lately.

 Denies tobacco or recreational drugs

 Admits occasional glass of wine.

 Hiking for exercise






 Prednisone: 20 mg tid x days 1-3

20 mg bid days 4-5

20 mg qd days 6-8

10mg qd days 9-10

 Zovirax 400 mg x 5/d - 7 days.

Review of System

 General.

Denies weight change, fatigue, fever, chills.

 Skin: Denies skin lesions or rashes.

 HEENT. Right retroauricular and ear pain

3/10, no facial pain. No tinnitus, hyperacusis, hearing loss, or vertigo. No change of vision.

No changes in the left side of face.

Review of System


 Negative : neck respiratory cardiovascular gastrointestinal genitourinary endocrine

Review of System


 Neurologic.

Positive for:

- right sided facial numbness

- drooling of the right side

- incomplete closure of right eye


Negative for:

- muscle weakness in extremities

Physical Exam

 General.

Well appearing obese male, in NAD.

 VS.

BP 120/80, P 75, T 99.1, WT 270, HT 5’11”,

BMI 37.7

 Skin.

Good color, no lesions or rashes.


TM intact bilaterally. No lesions in ear canals bilaterally. PERLA, 4 mm bilaterally. EOM intact, no nystagmus. Nose and oropharynx clear.

Parotid gland not enlarged, non-tender

 Neck, Lungs, Heart, GI unremarkable.

Physical Exam



Alert and oriented x3

Face asymmetry :

 Widened right palpebral fissure

Flattened right nasolabial fold

Sagging right eyebrow

 Drooping of the right corner of the mouth

Physical Exam


Facial nerve exam :

 forehead wrinkling L>R.

 voluntary right eyebrow rise almost absent.

 unable to close right eye completely

Physical Exam


Facial nerve assessment :

 smile is lateralized to the left

 puffing cheeks asymmetric, L>R.

Physical Exam


• CN II-VI, VIII-XII intact.

• No sensory deficit bilaterally

• DTR 2+ equal

• Good muscle tone thruought, strength

5/5 bilaterally

 In office LAB : blood sugar 213 random.

 Differencial diagnosis:

Bell’s palsy

 Rumsay Hunt syndrome

 Zoster sine herpete.

 Lyme disease



 Volume occupying lesion

 Systemic diseases


 Bell’s palsy

 Hyperglucosemia

 Obesity


 Prednisone 20 mg tid x 2 days then

20 mg bid x 3 days then

20 mg qd x 3 days then

10 mg qd x 2 days

 Zovirax 400 mg x 5/d - 6 days

Artificial tear drops prn in OD



 Labs: CBC with diff, chem. 12, HbA1C, lipid panel, TSH, free T4, Lyme IgM/IgG titers

 F/U in 10 days or sooner if symptoms worsen

 Consider discussion on wt reduction

F/U visit 03/29/06

CC: f/u Bell’s palsy

Subjective: Dx of Bell’s palsy 10 days ago

Right facial muscle weakness and taste alteration diminished.

Able to close right eye completely.

No OD soreness or dryness.

No retroauricular pain or earache.

D/c prednisone on 03/28/06 and zovirax on 03/25/06.


Skin: clear, no rashes or lesions.


Face asymmetry less prominent

Can slightly elevate right eyebrow

Right forehead wrinkling is absent

Smile is slightly asymmetric, slightly drawn to the left

OD closure complete, tight closure absent

Puffing chicks L>R. CN II-VI and VIII-XII intact

 Labs:


Chem 12, HbA1C, lipid panel, TSH with FT4 –


Lyme titers negative

 Impression:

Bell’s palsy, improvement.



 Self massage of the face.

 Facial muscle exercises using passive range of motion as well as actively closing eyes and smiling .

 Weight reduction: diet, exercise.

 F/u in 2 months or sooner if symptoms of face palsy reoccur.

Keep in mind

• Lyme disease


• Cat scratch in children

• Volume occupying lesion

• Systemic diseases
