About this Book

Cerebral Palsy
Miller, Freeman
2005, X, 1060 p., 1128 illus., 710 in colour, Hardcover
ISBN: 978-0-387-20437-6
About this book
The medical treatment and education of children with cerebral palsy is complex and involves a diverse range of
professionals. Moreover, there are a number of different approaches for treating pediatric musculoskeletal impairments,
such as therapy, orthotics, and surgery. Dr. Miller’s valuable resource helps members of the medical team navigate the
complexity of cerebral palsy care. Readers will become familiar with treatments that fall outside of their own disciplines
while also benefiting from a review of current practices in their own fields.
This comprehensive reference outlines the etiology of cerebral palsy and presents a description of muscle tone and
movement problems. Dr. Miller discusses the theory and techniques used by physical and occupational therapists, and
he provides suggestions for implementing an Individual Education Plan (IEP). Since the text focuses on improving
decision making, recommended treatment algorithms address common questions, such as how to select equipment.
Comprehensive coverage of understanding abnormal gaits, as well as the use of braces and wheel chairs, is
incorporated into the text.
Surgeons will especially appreciate the section that focuses on anatomy and describes surgeries and specific local
treatments. Chapters are enhanced by beautiful anatomical drawings depicting key techniques.
A companion CD-ROM includes videos of children with walking problems and more than 400 interactive study questions.
Written for:
Pediatric orthopedists, orthopedic surgeons, residents and fellows in orthopedics, physical therapists, pediatricians,
medical school libraries, cerebral palsy departments, orthopedic departmental libraries, program directors in orthopedics