Immigration Essay Illegal immigration in America continues to be a growing problem. Everybody has their own opinion on it because there are so many options to choose from. However, this is improving border protection in rural areas in southwestern states would be the best choice for America. When many illegal immigrants come to America they find a job as soon as they can. This is hurting the economy because they're taking those jobs away from American citizens. It's clearly hurting the unemployment rate in America, which was already poor due to the economy. If more Americans had the illegal immigrant's jobs, the economy would recieve a bit boost. Also, immigrants who come here legally are hard-working, blue collar citizens. They help the economy by working hard to feed their families and are detirmed to succeed. If immigration laws are loosened up, there would be more immigrants like that in our country. Some people say more restrictions on immigration would help, but really that would just make the situation worse. If you did that than some legal immigrants who are hard working wouldn't be able to get in. It would also hurt because that would make the illegal immigrants want to get in even more. Everybody has their own opinion on immigration which is great because that's what makes America, America. There are so many views on it and so many variables to account for, but I still believe strengthening borders is the best way to go for America. America should have a moderate immigration system, enough to keep illegal immigrants out but no so hard that its almost impossible for legal immigrants to enter our country. "Immigrants come to America to work, not to go on welfare or cause trouble". In my opinion immigrants come to America to make money to make their life and their family's life better than it is. "There is no economic need for foreign labor, legal or illegal". I agree on this because we complain about not having a higher precentage of unemployed Americans. If we have immigrants come in and live here, they will be taking jobs that could be done by native-born Americans. "Americans who have traditionally filled such jobs-those without a high school diploma - continues to shrink". In my opinion, native-born Americans are getting more picky on which jobs they'll do when an immigrant will come and work that job for almost half pay because it's better of a life than they are used to in their home. Changing our policy has to be carefull decided. I believe that making America unappealing won't work. "Making life as an illegal alien difficult and unattractive as possible, in order to dissuade illegal settlers and persuade those who are already here to get up and go home". This is a good idea but if an immigrant is risking everything to get to America, its got to be better than where they are coming from. Some immigrants are coming from nothing, no house, no money, or no jobs. Even if america offers one of those it's better than nothing. "Allowing workers to enter legally would start to drain the swamp of smuggling and document fraud. It would encourage 12 million people now living in the shadows to come forward". I would disagree with this because allowing all these people in cause trouble, such as crime, also would cause some places to over crowd. We would also not have enough jobs to support everyone. All in all, I think the immigration system should change but not enough that we push legal immigrants away. Having immigrants are good because it brings more diveristy to America, we just don't have enough jobs to support our native-born Americans let alone a bunch of immigrants. Illegal Immigrants Immigrants that come to America with out an ID are called illegal immigrants for a reason. They are taking jobs and living areas. Therefore, the government needs to push immigration laws to make it harder for immigrants to come to America illegally. In the article Alabama's: were enforcing federal immigration laws, this article proves a great point on how we can control the numbers of illegal immigrants that come to america, and also control a positive work enviornment. But they welcome legal immigrants to come in to America, we welcome the immigrants that take the time to truly become an American. In the articles Editorial: Alabama nets more than illegal immigrants. This article states that we need immigrants because Americans wont do the jobs illegal immigrants will do. I dissagree with this article when the author writes, "An outfit called Grow Alabama hired more than 50 legal workers to pick tomatoes, but most quit in a day or two, and only one stuck it out for two weeks." This proves nothing besides Americans are lazy. Also maybe they picked Americans who didnt really need the job. If they had picked people who are in need o f money would do just as much as an illegal immigrant would do. Both articles have the points and reasons for why they want or diswant illegal immigrants. Over all I think that we should only welcome legal immigrants to support and love our country, because then you know they truly care about America.