Consumer Skills Stock Market Project Ms Griffith Steps for Wise Investments Every day millions of people all over the world are trying to identify the best stocks to buy. The stock market is not a game. Successful investors do their homework. They spend weeks or months researching a company using very sophisticated techniques plus low cost public information before buying stock. The golden rule is never invest in the stock market unless you are prepared to lose money. There are no guarantees. What information does an investor need to determine if a company is a good financial choice? There are many techniques used to making a stock investment. Fundamental analysis involves knowing the company’s current management and position in the market. Technical analysis focuses on charts, trends, and forecast predictions. 1. Maintain a weekly stock chart for each company a. Access Yahoo Finance, MSN Money News, CNN Money for stock info b. Record opening and daily stock price on Monday and Thursday c. Record change in stock price-percentage of increase/decrease d. Identify and record volume of stock trade e. Summarize current stock news for each company i. Include economic items related to the stock market ii. Include any major political event during the week. You will prepare a portfolio for each company. 2. Create a portfolio for each company a. Profile/business summary b. Number of employees c. Current stock rating d. Pros and cons of investing in the stock e. Past performance of i. 3, 6, and 12 month period ii. Performance in last ten years-identify date and amount of the highest and lowest price for company’s stock f. Additional info and/or statistics that help analyze your stock 2. Your final summary will include a comparison between the two companies. Which company has a more secure financial forecast? Utilizing research you have collected identify if either company is a good investment. Do you support the forecast for the company? Electronic sources to collect stock and financial information Enter “stock symbol” in GET QUOTES Locate Guided Research link Select Research Wizard Real time stock info-15 minute delay Chart provides real time trading Graph will provide trade info on stock for 1d, 5d, 3m, 6m, 1yr…. Headlines – current info on company Get Started-enter stock symbol Check left column-More on Select Company section Profile-Company background info Competitors-Quarterly Growth Industry-Company’s status in market Fundamentals-Company background Select Analyst Coverage Analyst Opinion-review recommendations Price History-ups and downs of stock Price Target-future expectations Comparison within the industry Useful weekly publications are Useful daily publications include The Wall Street Journal CNN fn USA Today Barron’s National Business & Financial Weekly Business Week Forbes Fortune Money MSNBC