Cell injury vivas



2011-1, 2007-1

What is atrophy?


Shrinkage in the size of an organ or tissue due to decrease in cell size and number


Can be physiologic or pathologic, localized or generalized


Cells decrease in size (reduction in organelle size and metabolic needs ?permission of survival)


Early on have diminished function but are not dead


May die often by apoptosis

What are the causes and give some examples of atrophy?


Disuse: fracture disuse, bed rest


Denervation: damage to nerves causing muscle atrophy


Diminished blood supply: senile atrophy of the brain (athersclerosis)


Inadequate nutrition: cachexia


Loss of endocrine stimulation: post menopuase breast/reproductive organs from oestrogen lack


Pressure: local pressure from tumours (may be ischaemic cause also)

2010-2, 2010-1, 2007-1

What is tissue hypertrophy?


Increase in cellular size, but not the number of cells leading to overall organ/tissue size increase


Cell size increased by more structural components and increased synthesis of cellular proteins


Triggered by increased functional demand or stimulation by hormones or growth factors


Can be selective hypertrophy of specific sub-organelles

What are examples of hypertrophy (Prompt: How is it classified?)


Physiological skeletal muscle enhancement through training or uterus under influence of hormones such as oestrogen, breasts in lactation


Pathological such as cardiomegaly in hypertension and CCF (has an upper limit after which regression occurs -> cell injury -> apoptosis/necrosis), benign prostatic hypertrophy also

How is hyperplasia different from hypertrophy?


Hyperplasia involves an increase in the number of cells.

2008-1, 2007-1

What are the differences between hyperplasia and hypertrophy?

Hyperplasia: increase in number of cells in organ/tissues ually resulting in increase in volume - occurs if cellular population capable of synthesizing DNA thus permitting mitotic division

Hypertrophy increase in size of cells (structural components) causes increase in size of organs

Hypertrophy and hyperplasia often co-exis

Describe the different types of hyperplasia and give an example of each.

Physiologic: Hormonal - female breast at puberty or lactation or Compensatory - liver after partial hepatectomy, blood vessels and connective tissue for wound repair

Pathological hormonal stimulation excessive e.g. endometrial hyperplasia, benign prostatic hypertrophy caused by androgens

Note: pathologic hyperplasia is distinct from cancer b/c controlled as there are no mutations in the genes that regulate cell division, however it is described as “the fertile soil in which cancerous proliferation may arise”

2010-1, 2007-2, 2004-2

What is metaplasia

A reversible change in which one adult cell type (epithelial or mesenchymal) is replaced by another, i.e. a change in the phenoype

An adaptive change brought on by chronic stress such as chemical or physical irritation so that cells change to other cell types that are better able to withstand the adverse environment

Can you give examples

Most common is columnar -> squamous epithelium

trachea in smoking

salivary, pancreatic and biliary ducts by stones (secretory columnar changed to non-secreting sqaumous)

vitamin A def may cause squamous metaplasia in respiratory, or corneal, renal

vitamin A excess may stimulate osteoclast formation -> bone resorption and fractures

Metaplasia of squamous to columnar

Barretts oesophagus (in response to acid, predisposing to adenocarcinoma)

Metaplasia of one connective tissue type to another e.g. muscle -> bone or cartilage e.g myositis ossificans

What is the mechanism causing metaplasia

A reprogramming of epithelial stem cells or undifferentiated mesenchymal cells

involves signals from cytokines, growth factors, ECM components, genes, and DNA methylation

How may metaplasia progress 2010-1

The influences that brought about the metaplasia if persistent may initiate malignant transformation, e.g. squamous cell carcinoma in smokers, adenocarcinoma in Barrett’s

With removal of the stimulus it may undergo reversal back to the normal tissue type


What are the morphological and chemical changes associated with early cell injury

Initially there is a reduction in function => biochemical changes (eventually irreversible injury) => structural changes (from ultrastructure => light microscopy => gross morphologic)


Decreased generation of ATP


Loss of cell membrane integrity


Defects in protein synthesis


Cytoskeletal damage


DNA damage

What are the phenomena that characterize irreversible cell injury

The first is the inability to reverse mitochondrial dysfunction (lack of oxidative phosphorylation and ATP generation) even after resolution of the original injury

The second is the development of profound disturbances in membrane function

Can you give an example of a protein the leaks across degraded cell membranes


Cardiac muscle - contains a specific isoform of the enzyme creatine kinase and of the contractile protein troponin


Liver (and specifically bile duct epithelium) - contains a temperature-resistent isoform of the enzyme alkaline phosphatase


Hepatocytes - contain transaminases

2011-1, 2009-1, 2008-2, 2006-1, 2005-2, 2004-2, 2003-2

What are the stages of ischaemic cell injury

Initial reversible

Irreversible w/ prolonged ischaemia injury and necrosis


Describe the biochemical features of (ischaemic) cell injury.


Depletion of ATP :

Sodium pump reduction w/ Na into cells , K+ out

Inc. catabolites in cells

Inc. osmotic load => swelling


Defects of membrane permeability -

Leakage of intracellular substances: myoglobin, CK, troponin, other enzymes


 intracellular Ca2+

Initially release from intracellular stores then influx of Ca2+ across plasma


Anaerobic metabolism

Lactic acid w/


Free oxygen radical formation


Mitochondrial damage

Decreased protein synthesis


Lipid breakdown products


Intracellular glycine

2008-2, 2004-2, 2003-2

Describe the morphological changes seen in cells with reversible ischaemia.

Reversible changes


Cellular Swelling : failure to maintain ionic and fluid haemostasis; organs become swollen, plasma membrane blebs intramembranous aggregations


Mitochondrial swelling, small densities


Distended segments of ER with dispersion of ribosomes ‘vacuolar degeneration’


Clumping of nuclear chromatin.


Fatty change: lipid vacuoles in cytoplasm.

Irreversible changes


Cell membrane defects


Myelin figures in cytoplasm


Rupture of lysosymes and autodigestion


Mitochondrial large densities


Lysis of ER


Nuclear pyknosis, karyolysis or karyorrhexis.

2008-2, 2005-2

What is the difference between ischaemic and hypoxic injury?


Ischaemic involves disruption or reduction in blood supply resulting in reduced oxygen delivery, reduced delivery of substrate and reduced removal of metabolic products


Hypoxic involves reduced oxygen delivery only, so anaerobic (glycolytic metabolism can continue as new substrate is being delivered and metabolic wastes removed


As a result cellular, hence tissue injury is much more rapid in ischaemic injury


Describe the cellular changes in necrosis

Irreversible cellular injury

Often adjacent inflammation

Swollen cells

Increased eosinophilia

Myelin figures (whorls of cell membrane bits)

Nucleus fades (karyolysis), may shrink (pyknosis) and then fragments (karyorrhexis)

Organelle disruption w/ amorphous mass

Lysosomal rupture w/ auto digestion

Cell membrane disrupted , contents released, further tissue damage and inflammation

What are the patterns of tissue necrosis?


Coagulative (architecture preserved)

– the most common form


Liquefactive (digestion => liquid viscous mass) – seen in the brain


Caseous (friable white) – seen in TB


Gangrenous - usually applied to limb, typically coagulative but may have superimposed liquefaction fro m infection ‘wet gangrene’)


Fat necrosis (focal areas of fat destruction)


Fibrinoid (microscopic feature of Ag-Ab complexes in vessel walls, immune mediated)

2010-1, 2008-1

What is apoptosis

Pathway of programmed cell death

Induced by tightly regulated intracellular programme

Cells that are destined to die activate enzymes that degrade the cells’ own nuclear DNA and nuclear/cytoplasmic proteins


The cell’s plasma membrane remains intact

Cell shrinks

Chromatin condensation

Formation of cytoplasmic blebs and apoptotic bodies

Apoptotic cell or cell bodies becomes target for phagocytosis (macrophages)

Dead cell rapidly cleared before contents leak out so this does not elicit an inflammatory reaction in the host

List some important stimuli for apoptosis


Programmed destruction of cells during embryogenesis

Hormone dependent involution in adult such as endometrial breakdown

Cell deletion in proliferating cell populations e.g. intestinal crypt cells

Death of host cells that have served their purpose e.g. neutrophils in acute inflammation

Elimination of potentially harmful self reactive lymphocytes.

Cell death induced by cytotoxic T cells


Cell death secondary to radiation injury or cytotoxins

Viral hepatitis

Pathologic atrophy after duct obstruction in pancreas, parotid or kidney

Cell death in tumours

2010-1, 2006-2, 2006-1, 2005-2

What is reperfusion injury?


Further injury and cell death to ischaemic tissue that occurs after restoration of blood flow.

What are the proposed mechanisms of reperfusion injury.


Generation of oxygen free radicals : formed from incomplete reduction of in-coming O2 by damaged mitochondria in affected tissue and action of oxidases (generated from ischaemic cells and leucocytes)


Associated inflammation : cytokines, adhesion molecules generated by hypoxic cells; they recruit neutrophils etc in re-perfused tissue; ensuing inflammation causes additional injury


Activation of complement system: IgM Ab deposit in ischaemic tissue; restored blood flow brings complement proteins that bind to Ab and are activated; causing further cell injury and inflammation


Mitochondrial permeability transition - via reactive O2 species - effects mitochondrial function - precludes recovery of ATP / energy supplies for the cell

2008-1, 2007-1, 2004-2

Please describe the 2 different forms of pathological calcification and give an examples.


Dystrophic calcification

Normal serum calcium

In necrotic or dying tissue

Examples: Atherosclerosis; calcific aortic stenosis; tuberculous node


Metastatic calcification

Abnormal (raised) calcium

Deposits in normal tissues (often associated acid environment as if favours precipitation)

Examples: nephrocalcinosis; pulmonary calcinosis; gastric mucosal

What tissues are most commonly affected by metastatic calcification? 2004-2

Gastric mucosa, Kidneys, Lungs, Systemic arteries, Pulmonary veins

Describe the different principal pathological causes of hypercalcaemia, w/ clinical examples.


Increased PTH secretion + bone resorption: hyperparathyroidism


Destruction of bone tissue: skeletal metastases, myeloma, Paget’s


Vit-D related disorders: sarcoidosis, hypervitaminosis D


Renal failure: secondary hyperparathyroidism + phosphate retention


What is steatosis?


Abnormal accumulations of triglycerides within parenchymal cells

Which organs are commonly involved in steatosis?

- Liver

- Heart, muscle, kidneys

What are the causes of hepatic steatosis?

Alcohol abuse

Toxins (CCl4), protein malnutrition, diabetes mellitus, obesity, anoxia, starvation, NAFLD

In the liver it results from defects in any one of the events in the sequence from fatty acid entry to lipoprotein exit (FFA esterified to triglycerides => converted into cholesterol and phospholipids or oxidized to ketone bodies => associated with apoproteins to form lipoproteins and released into the circulation)
