Name Date Hour ______ Electron Configuration PowerPoint Notes

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Electron Configuration PowerPoint Notes
1. The ____________ energy arrangement of electrons is the most stable. When electrons are arranged in the
lowest possible energy arrangement, it is called the electron’s ________________________ electron
2. Three rules (principles) define how _______________ are arranged in ____________ around an atom’s
3. First Rule: Aufbau’s principal states that each electron occupies the ______________ energy orbital
4. Second Rule: Pauli’s exclusion principal states that a maximum of _______ electrons may occupy a single
atomic orbital but only if they __________ in ______________ directions.
5. Third Rule: Hund’s Rule states that ________________ electrons with the ___________ spin must each
occupy an ______________________ orbital before additional electrons with _________________ spins can
occupy the same orbitals.
6. There are ____________ principal energy levels (shells).
7. How many periods are on the periodic table?
8. The period number gives us what information?
9. Each principal ___________
________________contains _________________.
10. Each sublevel contains ________________. The orbitals are where the _____________ ____________.
11. Each ____________ allows only ________ electrons.
12. The sublevels are designated _____, _____, ____ and _____.
13. The s sublevels are ______________, contain ______ orbital, and can hold a total of _______ electrons.
14. The p sublevels resemble _______________. There are ____________ p orbitals each allowing ______
electrons. The total number of electrons able to occupy the p sublevels is ________.
15. The shapes of the d and the f sublevels become more complicated. The d sublevels have ________ orbitals
and can hold a maximum of _____ electrons while f sublevels contain ____ orbitals and can hold a
maximum of 14 electrons.
16. The ______________________ inform us how many electrons are residing in an orbital.
Electron Configuration Practice
Use the space below to draw an orbital diagram and write the electron configuration for copper (#29) and
arsenic (#33). Use page 137 Table 5-3 in the textbook for a demonstration of the rules in action.
What do you notice about the configuration of the first 29 electrons in both elements?
Noble gases have complete energy shells. We can use that fact to make our job writing electron configurations
shorter. Examine page 138 Table 5-4. The electron configuration for neon has been used to write a shorthand
electron configuration for the elements sodium through argon. This shorthand method is called the noble-gas
In the space provided below, complete Practice Problems # 18 a – f on page 139. Using your “Order of Orbital
Filling” diagram and the s, p, d and f block diagram, first write out the entire electron configuration for each
element and then write the noble-gas notation underneath. Use the noble gas that precedes the element and
then refer to the “Order of Orbital Filling” diagram to complete the configuration.