Electron Configurations Worksheet: Practice & Review

Worksheet – Electron Configurations I
1. What are the possible numerical values for the number of electrons in one orbital? Note: look up Pauli Exclusion
2. What is the maximum number of electrons that can be in the s, p, d, and f sublevels, respectively? Note: There
is a maximum number of electrons that can be put onto a single orbital. Multiply that number by the number of
available orbitals on each sublevel should give one the correct answer to this problem.
3. What is the maximum number of electrons that may be on the following sublevels?
a. 2s
b. 2p
c. 3s
d. 3d
e. 4f
4. Which has higher energy, an electron in the 1s or 2p sublevel?
5. Which has higher energy, an electron in 1s or 2p sublevel?
6. What is the highest energy sublevel in the principal energy level for which n is
a. 1
b. 3
7. What is the total capacity for electrons in:
a. an orbital?
b. a d sublevel?
c. the 3rd principle energy level?
8. Write the complete electron configuration for the following elements:
a. carbon
b. nitrogen
c. neon
d. lithium
9. How many orbitals (total) are there in an oxygen atom?
10. How many sublevels does neon atom have?
11. How many electrons are on the partially filled sublevel in fluorine atom?
12. Identify the elements that have the following outer electron configurations:
a. 2s22p3
b. 1s2
c. 2s22p6