Do Now _____ water found underground (groundwater) 2. _____freezing rain (precipitation) 3. _____clouds that block out the sun and form in layers (clouds0 4._____process that produces rain (water cycle 2) 5. _____most abundant gas in the atmosphere (atmosphere) 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What is the reason for the seasons? What is the angle Earth is tilted on its axis? How is the Earth tilted during summer and winter? How is the Earth tilted during spring and fall? What angle is the Earth tilted for no seasonal change? Why do shadows appear longer in the winter? Seasons 1. The Earth has seasons because it is tilted on its axis. 2. The Earth’s tilt is 23.5 degrees 3. The hemisphere that is tilted toward the sun has summer. The hemisphere that is tilted away from the sun has winter 4. Spring and Fall occur when the Earth is neither tilted toward or away from the sun 5. The Earth would need to be a a 0 degree angle for the Earth to have no seasons 6. Shadows appear longer because sunlight reaches the Earth at different angles Do Now 1. _____thunderstorm cloud 2. _____thermal energy that travels in waves from the sun 3. _____is caused by the Earth’s tilt on its axis 4._____underground area of rock and sediment and is filled with groundwater 5. ____how water moves from the ocean to the atmosphere 1. What is the summer solstice? 2. What is the winter solstice? 3. What is the autumnal and vernal equinox? The Summer Solstice First day of summer Longest day of the year North Pole is tilted toward the sun Sunlight strikes the Earth at a shorter angle Summer for the U.S., England, China Winter in Argentina, South Africa, and Australia The Winter Solstice First day of winter Shortest day of the year North Pole is tilted away from the sun The sun’s rays strike at a larger angle Winter in U.S, England, and China Summer in Argentina, South Africa, and Australia Autumnal Equinox (autumn) Vernal Equinox (spring) Autumnal - first day of fall Vernal - first day of spring Days and nights are equal Sunlight strikes the Earth at the same angle