Year 3 Autumn Term 2013 Tombraiders! This half term Year 3 will learning all about the lives of ancient Egyptians! Wednesday 11th September is our rotation day. The children can come to school dressed as explorers, such as Howard Carter, ready to crack into a sealed tomb and uncover Egyptian treasures, learn the stories of ancient Egyptian Gods and decipher Hieroglyphics. Lyndhurst Museum of Egyptology - Grand Opening At the end of our topic, the Year 3 children will be opening the Lyndhurst Museum of Egyptology! We will showcasing our learning with a range of exhibitions about the lives of the Ancient Egyptians. We hope you will be able to join us and learn some new fascinating facts! We will send further details home later in the term. WHAT ARE WE LEARNING THIS HALF TERM? History: History is our main topic area this half term and will be completed through our literacy, ICT and art work. We will be developing our historical research skills and will be asking and answering questions about the past. We will also be looking at time lines and learning to place things in chronological order using dates and the terms BC and AD. Literacy: This half term will have a big focus on presentation to ensure our completed work is neat and tidy. By half term we hope that the majority of Year 3 children will be joining their writing. We will be focusing on non-fiction writing to create posters, brochures and leaflets for our Egyptology museum. We will also be looking at diary writing. ICT: Year 3 now have 30 brand new Learn Pads! This half term we will be learn how to use this exciting new resource, starting with using the Internet to research ancient Egypt. We will be using our ICT skills to present our work, using text, photos and video. Art: We will be looking at Egyptian art and exploring the different colours, marks and patterns that they used. The children will use their investigative work to design and create their own artefact for display in our museum using clay. Science: We will be learning about different types of rocks (e.g. igneous, sedimentary) and their properties. We will investigate why different types of rock are used for different purposes. Maths: Place value and partitioning; Knowing what each digit in a number represents; How many hundreds, tens and units are in a number; Reading, writing and ordering 3 digit numbers and beyond. Being able to quickly add/subtract multiples of 10 and 100 to a number. Using additional and subtraction facts: Rapidly recalling pairs of numbers that make 10 (3+7) and using this to work out pairs that make 100 (30+70, 35+65, 33+77); Using number facts and patterns to solve problems. Reflective symmetry: Finding the line of symmetry in a shape; Recognising if shape are/are not symmetrical. Music: This half term, Leopard class will be focusing on singing skills, Panther class will be focusing on rhythm and Jaguar class will be using recorders. We have a supply of recorders in school for the children to use. If you chose to purchase your own, please make sure it is kept in your child’s book bag. RE: We will be learning about Birth ceremonies in Christianity, Islam and Sikhism. PE: We are very excited to announce that the Year 3 children and teachers will be working with coaches this term to develop our PE skills. This will begin with Jaguar and Leopard class and will move onto Panther class later in the term. PE days are as follows: Jaguar class - Mondays & Fridays Panther class - Wednesdays & Fridays Leopard class - Mondays & Thursdays Please ensure your child has a named PE kit in school including trainers/plimsolls and tracksuit bottoms and tops for when the weather gets colder. It is also useful to remove earrings on these days or teach your child how to remove their own earrings. Toys: Please remember that children should not bring toys, games or trading cards into school. Homework: Your child will shortly be given their homework folder. This will contain the topic related spellings they need to learn for this half term and some tips for fun ways to practice! Maths and phonics homework will be sent home alternate weeks. Please also continue to read regularly with your child at home. Targets: Reading targets linked to their book colour will be stuck into their contact book. Maths and writing targets will be stuck to the front of their homework folder. If you have any questions or worries please speak to your child’s class teacher. Thank you for your continued support.