PHYSIOLOGY REVIEW - BONES OF SHOULDER AND ARM. Name______________________ Per ____ Here are some trouble areas I saw on the review today. Answer the questions below on your own. You may use your book and notes. When you are finished, show it to the sub and let them place a check mark on it so I know you completed it. I will post the answers on my web assignment page this evening by 6:00 for you to check your answers. When you are finished with this review, you are to study the shoulder and arm bones (computer and the actual bone models) and/or work on your leg packet for tomorrow. Since your have had class time to do the let packet, there will be NO FREE LATES given for this assignment due tomorrow. NAME THE BONE AND THE PART OF THAT BONE THAT ARTICULATES WITH THESE PARTS. 1. Olecranon fossa = OLECRANON PROCESS OF ULNA 2. Coronoid fossa = CORONOID PROCESS OF ULNA 3. Glenoid fossa (cavity) = HEAD OF HUMERUS 4. Acromion process = ACROMIAL END OF CLAVICLE 5. Manubrium = STERNAL END OF CLAVICLE 6. Capitulum – HEAD OF RADIUS 7. Trochlea = TROCHLEAR NOTCH OF ULNA 8. Olecranon process = OLECRANON FOSSA OF HUMERUS 9. Coronoid process = CORONOID FOSSA OF HUMERUS 10. Head of humerus = GLENOID CAVITY OF SCAPULA 11. proximal end of 1st proximal phalanx = DISTAL END OF METACARPAL # 1 12. distal end of 1st proximal phalanx = #1 DISTAL PHALANX 13. proximal end of 3rd middle phalanx = # 3 PROXIMAL PHALANX 14. the flat side of the clavicle = ACROMIAL PROCESS OF SCAPULA ON WHAT SHOULDER/ARM BONE ARE THESE PARTS LOCATED? 1. Acromion process = SCAPULA 2. Coracoid process = SCAPULA 3. Coronoid fossa = HUMERUS 4. Coronoid process = ULNA 5. Deltoid Tuberosity (CORRECT THIS TO TUBEROSITY) = HUMERUS 6. Glenoid cavity = SCAPULA 7. Greater tubercle = HUMERUS 8. Lateral epicondyle = HUMERUS 9. Lesser tubercle = HUMERUS 10. Medial epicondyle = HUMERUS 11. Neck = HUMERUS 12. Olecranon fossa = HUMERUS 13. Olecranon process = ULNA 14. Spine = SCAPULA 15. Styloid process = ULNA & RADIUS 16. Trochlea = HUMERUS