chapter 7 key terms 200-213

Danielle Aguinaldo
Key Terms: CHAPTER 7 “The Jeffersonian Era” pg. 200-213
In the same year Jefferson was elected prez and Napoleon Bonaparte were was elected first consul (called himself
ruler). Both were great help to each other regardless of the fact that they ruled differently. In the end, Napoleon
moved from Europe to America and caused great conflict
Jefferson and Napoleon
A secret Treaty of San Ildefonso of 1800 was created between France and Spain. France gained Louisiana,
the Mississippi Valley, and New Orleans
Toussaint L’Ouverture remarkable black leader of a black revolt republic. He sent an army to the West
Indies, crushed them, and restored French power. But the incident showed early signs of problems
Napoleon’s offer—the whole Louisiana Territory—because he thought that if the issue (no more American
oceanic ports at New Orleans) was not resolved, then America would team up with Great Britain
The Louisiana Purchase
Agreement sign on April 30, 1803
US paid 80 mill. Francs ($15 mill) and the boundaries would be the “same extent” as when France and
Spain owned it
Jefferson’s Quandary—pleased w/ the bargain but wasn’t sure if it was constitutional. Then was later
persuaded it was constitutional
1812—first state was Louisiana
Lewis and Clark Explore the West
1803 before Louisiana Purchase, Jefferson already wanted the private expedition to find out more about the
western lands
Zebulon Pike—Lieutenant Zebulon Montgomery Pike led an expedition in the fall of 1803 from St. Louis
into the upper Mississippi Valley and in 1806 to Arkansas valley (Colorado)  Americans thought it was
an uninhibited place
The Burr Conspiracy
Essex Junto—created in MA—a group of the extreme Federalists, didn’t want expansion in fear of losing federal
Hamilton and Burr—Aaron Burr was vice president because he lost to Jefferson by a dead-lock. Hamilton accused
Burr of plotting treason and made numerous private remarks about Burr’s “Despicable” character; which made Burr
think he lost the election because of that
Result of Burr and his ambitions and flamboyant personality
*SO WHAT? There are too many different opinions. Majority always wins. Can’t control own nation because they
didn’t win majority vote (had no power) so they just wanted to form their own nation.
Danielle Aguinaldo
Napoleonic Wars—1803 British and French worked together to prevent the US from trading w/ the other
Westward expansion expanded to Indian territory  Indians worked w/ Canada and Spain
Resulted in : WAR OF 1812
Conflicts on the Seas
America’s Predicament—risked being captured both by Britain and France is they sailed near it. Also, American
ships were being pounced on by the British and seizing sailors and making them victims of “impressments”
Impressment (forced)
Chesapeake-Leopard Incident—1807, American ship Chesapeake refused to be searched by British ship Leopard
and was open fired at until Chesapeake ship surrendered
“Peaceable Coercion”
The Embargo—prohibited American ships from leaving the US for any foreign port anywhere in the world &
Congress passed a “force act” to give the government power to enforce the Embargo
James Madison won presidency in 1808 because of the depression caused by the Embargo
Jefferson ended Embargo w. Peaceable Coercion before he left office
Non-Intercourse Act—replaced Embargo—reopened trade with all nations but Great Britain and France. 1920
Congress allowed it to expire and replaced it with Macon’s Bill No. 2, which reopened free commercial relations w/
Britain and France
Naval policies were part of the reason for tensions b/w Britain and US
The “Indian Problem” and the British
William Henry Harrison—veteran Indian fighter and became an important leader. Was the Indian Territory delegate
Jefferson’s Offer—either the Native Indians convert themselves into settled farmers and assimilate (become part of
the white society) or they could migrate to the west of the Mississippi
Tecumseh and the Prophet
The Prophet’s Message—Tenskwatawa said white world was sinful and corrupt. Inspired religious revival that
spread through tribes which united them
Tecumseh’s Strategy—thought that by uniting all the tribes, they had a chance against America, so he set out to unite
all the Indians of the Mississippi Valley
Battle of Tippecanoe—Governor Harrison saw a change to destroy the growing influence of the two Native
American leaders when Tecumseh left to ask the Southern tribe to join the alliance. Nov. 7, 1811, provoked fighting
and drove off the Indians and burnt the town
Florida and War Fever
War Hawks—the elected reps eager for war w. Britain
Danielle Aguinaldo
June 18, 1812 Madison who wanted peace gave in from pressure and declared war against Britain
Battles with the Tribes
Americans forced to surrender Detroit and Fort Dearborn (Chicago) in first months. On seas American frigates and
privateers successful, but by 1813 Brit navy (less occupied w/ Napoleon) devoted resources and imposed blockade
US began to have success in Great Lakes- Oliver Perry beat Brits at Put-In-Bay 1813, burned capital at York.
William Henry Harrison victorious at Battle of the Thames- disheartened Natives of Northwest and diminished
ability to defend claims
Andrew Jackson defeated Creek Indians @ Battle of Horseshoe Bend 1814, continued invasion into Florida and
captured Pensacola Sept 1814
Battles With the British
The British Invasion
After Nap surrendered 1814 England prepared to invade US, landed armada in Chesapeake region. Aug 1814
captured and burned Washington
Americans at Fort McHenry in Baltimore repelled Brit attack in Sept. This battle is what Francis Scott Key
witnessed, wrote “The Star-Spangled Banner”
Battle of New Orleans-- Britain also repelled in NY at Battle of Plattsburgh in Sept. January 1815 Andrew Jackson
wildly successful at Battle of New Orleans- after treaty signed
The Revolt of New England
US failures 1812-1815 led to increased govt opposition. In NE opposition to war and Repub govt, Federalists led by
Daniel Webtser led Congressional opposition. Federalists in NE dreamed of separate nation to escape tyranny of
slaveholders and backwoodsmen
Hartford Convention -- Dec 1814 convention at Hartford led to nothing b/c of news of Jackson’s smashing success
at New Orleans. Two days later news of peace treaty arrived
The Peace Settlement
Treaty of Ghent -- Aug 1814 John Quincy Adams, Henry Clay, Albert Gallatin met in Ghent, Belgium w/ Brit
diplomats. Final treaty did little but end fighting- US dropped call to end impressments, Brit dropped call for Indian
buffer in NW
Brit accepted b/c exhausted + indebted after Napoleonic conflict, US believed w/ end of Eur conflict less
commercial interference would occur
Rush Bagot Agreement -- Treaty of Gent signed Dec 1814, free trade agreement 1815later Rush-Bagot Agreement of
1817 led to disarmament on Great Lakes
War disastrous to Natives, lands captured in fighting never restored, most important allies now gone from NW