Semester Test Review - People & Theories

Semester Test Review
People & Theories
History & Approaches
 Socrates-Plato-Aristotle (Greek Philosophers): Dualism
 John Locke/Thomas Hobbes/Francis Bacon/Rene DeCartes (Enlightened Philosophers): Empiricism
 Charles Darwin: Evolutionary Theory
 Wilhelm Wundt & Edward Titchener: Structuralism
 William James: Functionalism
 Max Wertheimer & Wolfgang Kohler: Gestalt Psychology
 John B. Watson, Ivan Pavlov, & B.F. Skinner: Behaviorism
 Sigmund Freud: Psychoanalysis
 Abraham Maslow & Carl Rogers: Humanistic
 Biological/Neuroscience Approach
 Cognitive Approach
 Sociocultural Approach
 Naturalistic Observation: Jane Goodall – living with the Apes
 Ethics: John B. Watson – Little Albert
 Ethics: Stanley Milgram - Obedience
Biology of Psych
 Charles Darwin: Theory of Evolution
 Pierre Broca: Area of the Brain
 Carl Wernicke: Area of the Brain
 Phineas Gage
Sensation & Perception
 Signal Detection Theory
 Ernst Weber: Weber’s Law
 Young-Helmholtz: Trichromatic Theory
 Gate-Control Theory
 Gestalt Theory of Perception
 Sigmund Freud: Iceberg Theory of Consciousness & Dream Interpretation
 Eugene Aserinsky & Nathaniel Kleitman: EEG & States of Sleep & REM
 Ernest Hilgard: Neodissociative Theory – aka The Hidden Observer
 Albert Bandura: Bobo Experiment, Social Learning Theory, Modeling
 John Garcia: The Garcia Effect
 Ivan Pavlov: Classical Conditioning
 B.F. Skinner: Operant Conditioning & Reinforcement
 Edward Thorndike: The Law of Effect
 Edward Tolman: Cognitive Mapping/Latent Learning
 John B. Watson: Aversive Conditioning
 Wolfgang Kohler: Insight Learning
 Richard Atkinson & Richard Shiffrin: Memory Model
 Alan Baddeley & Daniel Schacter: Acoustic Encoding
 Noam Chomsky: Language Acquisition
 Hermann Ebbinghaus: father of Memory Research
 George Miller: Magic 7s
 George Sperling: Sensory Memory
 Benjamin Lee Whorf & Edward Sapir: Linguistic Differences
 Alfred Binet: IQ
 James Flynn: Flynn Effect
 Howard Gardner: Multiple Intelligences
 Charles Spearman: (g) Factor, General Intelligence
 William Stern: IQ
 Robert Sternberg: Triarchic Theory
 Lewis Terman: Giftedness
 L.L. Thurstone: Primary Mental Abilities
 David Weschler: WISC & WAIS Tests
 Raymond Cattell: Crystallized v. Fluid Intelligence
Human Growth & Development
 Mary Ainsworth: Attachment
 Erik Erikson: Psychosocial Development
 G. Stanley Hall: Adolescence
 Harry & Margaret Harlow: Attachment
 Lawrence Kohlberg: Moral Development
 Elisabeth Kubler-Ross: Stages of Death & Dying
 Konrad Lorenz: Imprinting/Critical Periods
 Jean Piaget: Cognitive Development Theory
 Lev Vygotsky: Scaffolding
 Alfred Adler: Inferiority Complex
 Gordon Allport: Trait Theory
 Albert Bandura: Sociocultural Theory
 Hans Eysenck: Trait Theory (Stability v. Unstability & Introversion v. Extroversion)
 Sigmund Freud: Id-Ego-Superego & Defense Mechanisms
 Karen Horney: 10 Neurotic Needs
 Carl Jung: Archetypes – Introversion v. Extroversion
 Abraham Maslow: Self Actualization
 Carl Rogers: Self-concept, Unconditional Positive Regard, Empathy
Social Psych
 Solomon Asch: Conformity
 Leon Festinger: Cognitive Dissonance
 Kitty Genovese: Bystander Effect
 Elaine Hatfield: Attraction
 Fritz Heider: Attribution Theory
 Irving Janis: Groupthink
 Stanley Milgram: Obedience
 Philip Zimbardo: Stanford Prison Experiment
 Hawthorne Effect
 Rosenthal Effect
Motivation & Emotion
 Instinct Theory: Evolution
 Drive-Reduction Theory: Homeostasis
 Arousal Theory/Yerkes-Dodson Law: Optimal Motivation
 Opponent Processing Theory: pleasure/pain seeking
 Abraham Maslow: Hierarchy of Needs
 Walter Cannon & Philip Bard: Cannon-Bard Theory – simultaneity/fight v. flight
 William James & Carl Lange: James-Lange Theory – physical response results in emotional response
 Richard Lazarus: emotion doesn’t require conscious thought
 Stanley Schachter & Jerome Singer: Two-factor Theory – appraisal of physical response and cognitive interpretation results in
Abnormal Behavior
 Medical Model/Mental Illness: disorders defined by their symptoms
 Biopsychosocial Theory: Nature & Nurture Contribute to Disorders
 Alternative or Self Help: Exercise, Diet, Daily Routines
 Insight: Psychoanalysis (Freud) & Humanistic (Rogers)
 Behavioral: Systematic Desensitization-Exposure Therapy-Aversion Therapy (Watson)-Token Economies-Rational Emotive
(Albert Ellis)-Negative Triad (Aaron Beck)
 Group/Family
 Biomedical: Psychopharmacological-ECT-Lobotomy