The Psychodynamic Perspective: Neo-Freudians Neo-Freudians • Followers of Freud’s theories but developed theories of their own in areas where they disagreed with Freud • Disagreed with Freud in his belief that: 1. Behavior is motivated by sexual urges 2. Personality is formed by early childhood experiences 3. Human nature and society are inherently driven by sex and destruction. Post-Freudian Psychodynamic Theories The Neo-Freudians • Carl Jung’s collective unconscious • Karen Horney’s focus on security • Alfred Adler’s individual psychology Carl Jung (Yoong)(1875-1961) • Rejected Freud’s assertion that human behavior is directed by sex & aggression. • Believed in general psychic energy that pushes us to grow psychologically. •Believed that humans share a collective unconscious—human collective evolutionary history. –“The whole spiritual heritage of mankind’s evolution born anew in the brain structure of every individual.” •Archetypes – Mental images of human instincts, themes and preoccupations that are shared by all cultures. •First to describe introverts and extraverts Jung’s Collective Unconscious • Jung’s concept of a shared, inherited reservoir of memory traces/experiences from our ancestors • Information everyone knows from birth • Archetypes – universal symbols found in stories, myths, and art that deal with the human life cycle. (powerful father, nurturing mother, witch, wise old man, innocent child, death & rebirth, etc…) – Anima – “feminine” side every man has – Animus – “masculine” side every woman has – To achieve psychological harmony, men & women must accept these sides of the psyche. Karen Horney (HORN-eye)(1885-1952) • Believed cultural/social variables (especially parent-child relationships) are the foundation of personality development not sex like Freud. • Found psychoanalysis negatively biased against women. – Women didn’t have “penis envy” it was instead that they envied men’s superior status in society. – Instead said men have “womb envy” and compensate by making creative achievements in their work. Karen Horney • Looked at anxiety related to security and social relationships, especially parent-child relationships. • Basic anxiety— “the feeling of being isolated and helpless in a hostile world” • Deal with this anxiety by. – Moving Toward Other People – having an excessive need for approval & affection – Moving Against Other People – having an excessive need for power over other people – Moving Away from Other People – having an excessive need for independence making them aloof and detached from others. • Felt that healthy personalities are flexible in balancing these needs but unhealthy people are stuck in one of ways of dealing with anxiety. Alfred Adler (1870-1937) • Agreed with Freud on the importance of early childhood but thought social tensions were more important than sexual tensions • Believed psychological problems were the result of feelings of inferiority • Inferiority Complex - A condition that comes from being unable to compensate for normal inferiority feelings Alfred Adler • Most fundamental human motive is striving for superiority • Arises from universal feelings of inferiority that are experienced during childhood • People compensate for their weaknesses by emphasizing their talents and abilities or by working hard to improve themselves. • If unable to compensate or when feelings of inferiority are too great a inferiority complex can result where person feels inadequate, weak & helpless and are unable to try to improve. • If people overcompensate for their feelings of inferiority then they develop a superiority complex where one exaggerates achievements and importance to cover up their own limitations. Evaluating & Updating Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory Evaluation of Psychoanalysis • Evidence is inadequate— Freud’s data is developed from a small number of upper class patients or from selfanalysis. (skewed sample) – All of Freud’s data was from him so was he imposing his own ideas onto his patients or seeing only what he expected to see? • Theory is not testable—lack of operational definitions and no way to measure results. Good at explaining the past but not at prediction. – Many psychoanalytic concepts impossible to disprove because even contradictory information can be used to support Freud’s theory. • Sexism—believed that women were weak and inferior. Used male psychology as basis for all people – Said women were more vain, masochistic, and jealous than men and influence more by their emotions and had a lesser moral and ethical sense than men. Humanistic Perspective Carl Rogers & Abraham Maslow The Humanistic Perspective Humanistic Perspective • A perspective that focuses on the study of conscious experience and the individual’s self awareness and freedom to choose. • Interested in the capacity for personal growth • Sees people as innately good. • Studies fulfilled and healthy individuals rather than troubled people The Humanistic Perspective: Abraham Maslow and Self-Actualization Abraham Maslow (1908-1970) • Humanistic psychologist who developed the hierarchy of needs • Believed that self-actualization is the ultimate psychological need Hierarchy of Needs • Maslow’s pyramid of human needs, beginning at the base with physiological needs, proceeding through safety needs and then to psychological needs • Higher-level needs won’t become active until lower-level needs have been satisfied. Self-Actualization • According to Maslow, the need to live up to one’s fullest and unique potential • Characteristics include: – Self aware and self accepting – Open, spontaneous, loving, and caring – Not paralyzed by other’s opinions – Focused on a particular task Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs The Humanistic Perspective: Carl Rogers and the Person-Centered Approach Carl Rogers (1902-1987) • Humanistic psychologist who stressed the importance of acceptance, genuineness, and empathy in fostering human growth Carl Rogers • Actualizing tendency—the most basic human motive that is the innate drive to maintain and enhance the human organism • Self-concept—set of perceptions you hold about yourself • Positive regard—conditional and unconditional – the sense of be loved and valued by other people. Conditional Positive Regard • Person is valued and loved only when the he/she behaves in a way that is acceptable to others. • Can lead to incongruence – a state in which a child’s self-concept conflicts with their own experience. • Rogers did not believe in permissive parenting. He said parents can disapprove of a behavior without completely rejecting the child. Unconditional Positive Regard will help to create… • Congruence – A person’s sense of self is consistent with their emotions & experiences. Criticisms of Humanism • Difficult to test or validate scientifically • Tends to be too optimistic, minimizing some of the more destructive aspects of human nature