Final Exam Review

US History 111 Final Exam Review
War of 1812
Causes of the war
Non-Intercourse Act & consequences
War Hawks
Major battle
War at Sea – USS Constitution
Burning of DC
Results of the War
Jackson and New Orleans
Monroe Doctrine & Missouri Comp
Era of Good Feelings – what was it?
Sectionalism and sectional leaders
American System
Balance of Power – Missouri’s admission to the Union – Compromise
Monroe Doctrine
o History, Provisions, effect then and today
Jackson becomes President – Elections of 1824 & 1828 – Mudslinging
Pres. Jackson
Jeffersonian Democracy vs. Jacksonian Democracy
Killing the Bank of the US
Nullification Crisis
o What was this? What were the issues?
Van Buren elected
Panic of 1837
Election of 1840
o Log Cabin and Hard Cider
The Death of Harrison
Manifest Destiny – what is it?
Texan Revolution
o Why did they settle in Mexico?
o How did the conflict start?
o Border dispute with Mexico
o Annexed into US? Why not?
Election of 1844
Winner & Issues
War with Mexico
Why did it start?
Major battles
Treaty results – land secession – effect on coming Civil War
Oregon Country
King Cotton & Slavery
Relationship between the growing of cotton and slavery
Types of cotton grown
Cotton Gin
Tasks/jobs for slaves
Physical treatment
Underground Railroad
Free Blacks in the North – what was life like for them?
Compromise of 1850
California Gold Rush
Compromise of 1850 provisions, author, etc.
Dred Scott v. Sanford
Fugitive Slave Law
Events leading up to War
Kansas-Nebraska Act, author, purpose, effect
Republican Party
John Brown – Raid on Harper’s Ferry
Violence in the Senate
Bleeding Kansas
Lincoln-Douglass Debates
Election of 1860
Candidates, issues, winner, effect
First State
Formation of the Confederate States of America
Reason for secession
Pres. Buchanan’s Response
Advantages of both sides – short war/long war advantages
Major battles
o Commanders
 Union commander changes
Union War Goals
War at Sea
o CSS Virginia v. USS Monitor
o CSS Hunley
Role of African-Americans
Medical Treatment
Turning Point – Gettysburg
War of Attrition
Assassination of Lincoln
Lincoln’s Plan
Radical Republican Plan
What actually happened
Success or failure?