Study Guide – Nation's Early Beginnings

Study Guide – Nation’s Early Beginnings
1. Name the famous battle where the Indians were
defeated by William Henry Harrison?
2. What major battle did the Americans under
Andrew Jackson win?
Battle of New Orleans
3. Name the system of internal improvements
designed to unite the nation?
American System
4. Who were the promoters of the internal
Henry Clay/John Calhoun
5. Name the Supreme Court case that confirmed the
use of implied powers?
Gibbons v Ogden
6. What was the name of the covered wagons that
many people used for travel?
7. Name the political statement that told European
powers to stay out of this hemisphere?
Monroe Doctrine
8. What did Eli Whitney do?
Interchangeable parts and Cotton Gin- made growing
cotton the main occupation of the South –
textile mills increased the demand for more
cotton – factory system
9. How did the cotton gin affect slavery?
Dramatically increased the use of slaves
Production of cotton doubled every year
10. What three issues began to divide the nation into
sectional interests?
Slavery – tariffs- state’s rights
11. Name the compromise that determined the future
of slavery in the new states after 1820?
Missouri Compromise
12. Who won the election of 1824?
J Q Adams
13. How was this person chosen to be President?
H of R – Henry Clay threw the vote
14. Who was commonly called the “Common Man’s”
A Jackson
15. What is the practice of giving jobs as rewards for
service called?
Spoils system
16. What large Indian group resisted the efforts of
the gov’t to move them?
17. What was the forced migration of this group
Trail of Tears
18. What state nearly left the Union over the high
tariff of 1828?
South Carolina
19. Why did Jackson kill the National Bank?
Lost $ in speculation – resented elite eastern bankers
20. What political party arose to oppose Jackson and
his followers?
21. Which President died soon after taking office?
Wm Harry Harrison
22. Which Vice-President became the first to
become President?
John Tyler
23. Which two men were leaders behind the American
Henry Clay/John Calhoun
24. What was the main issue under debate in the
Missouri Compromise?
How new states are to decide if slavery is allowed
25. Which part of the natianal gov’t did Andrew
Jackson feel was bad for the nation?
National Bank
26. What is the definition of nationalism?
Feeling of intense loyalty to one’s country over
sectional interests
27. Why did Jackson’s great victory at War of 1812
have no affect on the war?
War already over
28. What was the main objective of US Indian policy
in the early 1800s?
acquisition of Indian lands
29. Who won the election of 1828?
A Jackson
30. Which feature of Clay’s American system helped
western expansion?
31. What issue was brought to the surface by the
Tariffs of 1828?
32. What is the principle of judicial review?
SC can declare a law unconstitional
33. Which Supreme Court case established judicial
Marbury V Madison
34. How did the US acquire Florida?
1819 Adams Onis Treaty
35. What was the most significant factor to enable
settlers to move west?
36. The South gave the Tariff of 1828 the title
“Abominations” because they thought it hurt
the South while helping whom?
37. What was the factory system dependent upon?
Mass produced goods, power driven machinery, steam,
unskilled labor, interchangeable parts
38. What did the Whig Party support?
Tariffs, BUS
39. How did Andrew Jackson’s pet bank cause the
Panic of 1837?
Making risky loans to factory owners in New England
*Warning: there will be a series of T/F questions
based on some basic concepts from previous