American Studies I Honors Mr. Carolla, Rm. 541 610-965-1650 ext: 21541 2015-2016 Course Schedule Text: The American Pageant: A History of the Republic Course Background: This course focuses on the U.S. from 1789 to 1912. This course takes a topical chronological approach to studying people, places, and events in American history including: The Federalist Era, The Jefferson Years, The War of 1812, The Era of Good Feelings, Westward Expansion, The Mexican War, Sectionalism during the 1800s, The Civil War, Reconstruction, The Gilded Age, and The Progressive Movement. Students will analyze various social, political, and economic changes throughout U.S. history. They will participate in debates, evaluate document based questions, analyze primary sources, develop research skills, create presentations, read a novel/write a research paper, and collaborate in various group activities. Students will also participate in National History Day and create a project that corresponds to this year's theme. First Quarter o National History Day: Project preparation begins Second Quarter o Chapter 14: Forging the National Economy o Chapter 10: Launching the New Ship of State o Chapter 15: The Ferment of Reform and Culture o Chapter 11: The Triumphs and Travails of the Jeffersonian Republic o Chapter 16: The South and the Slavery Controversy o Chapter 12: The Second War for Independence and the Upsurge of Nationalism o Chapter 17: Manifest Destiny and Its Legacy o Chapter 18: Renewing the Sectional Struggle o Chapter 13: The Rise of Mass Democracy o Midterm Review o American Studies I Honors Midterm Exam Third Quarter Fourth Quarter o Chapter 19: Drifting Toward Disunion o Chapter 24: Industry Comes of Age o Killer Angels Research Paper o Chapter 25: America Moves to the City o Chapter 20: Girding for the War: The North and the South o Chapter 26: The Great West and Agricultural Revolution o Chapter 21: The Furnace of Civil War o Chapter 27: Empire and Expansion o Chapter 22: The Ordeal of Reconstruction o Chapter 28: Progressivism and the Republican Roosevelt o Chapter 23: Political Paralysis in the Gilded Age o Final Exam Review o American Studies I Honors Final Exam Grading: o All assignments are worth points. Points earned are divided by the total points possible in order to calculate one’s grade. Assignments/Assessments: o Tests are typically worth 100 points o Quizzes approximately 50 points o Outlines (one per chapter) 25 points o History Day Project is worth 150 points o Killer Angels Paper is worth 100 points o Historical Presentation is worth 50 points o Additional homework assignments typically range from 5 to 30 points Homework Policy: o Homework that is handed in late earns half credit. If a homework assignment is more than one day late, it earns a zero. Projects that are turned in late lose ten points per day late. o If you are absent, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to talk to your teacher about missed assignments. Upon receiving missed assignments, you will have TWO DAYS (from the date that your return) to show me any missed homework/ class work assignments. o EXAMPLE: If you miss work on Monday, you must show me the assignment by Wednesday. o If you fail to show me a homework/ class work assignment, within the designated time frame, you will receive a zero. o See me if you have questions regarding this policy. o NOTE: If you are able to, I strongly encourage you to email me when absent in order to obtain homework assignments prior to your return to school. Test and Quiz Make-up Policy: o If you are absent and you miss a test or quiz, you cannot make it up during class. You may make it up during any study hall period by scheduling with me in advance. o Please do your best to be present during scheduled in-class test and quiz days. o You have one week’s time from your return to school to complete missed tests/quizzes. After one week, the test/quiz grade will be zero. Plagiarism: o Plagiarism will not be tolerated. If a student plagiarizes, he or she will be written-up as per the Emmaus High School Discipline Code. General Procedures: o Locker use is not permitted during class time. Students are strongly encouraged to use the bathroom prior to the start of class. o Follow the teacher’s directions during all fire and emergency drills. o Beverages other than water are not permitted in the classroom. o All EHS rules apply in room 541! o Respect one another, respect yourself and come to class prepared every day!