Reconstruction Rebuilding the South Main Idea: Conflicting plans for dealing with the post-Civil War South had long-lasting effects on government and the economy. Presidential Reconstruction President Lincoln proposed; Amnesty for southerners except High Rank confederate leaders Re-admittance plan (10% plan) When 10% of all southern voters in a state pledged loyalty to the Union/Emancipation the state could be readmitted State governments had to Ban Slavery. States re-admitted under this plan Arkansas, Louisiana, Tennessee Congress Responds to Lincoln’s Plan Wade-Davis Bill 1864 Required the majority of states voters to pledge loyalty to the union before the state could be re-admitted. Lincoln killed the Bill with a pocket Veto (He ignored the bill for 10 Days) Johnson’s Plan President Andrew Johnson’s plan Same as Lincoln’s plan… but: Johnson exempted wealthy southerners from amnesty forcing them to apply for a presidential pardon. Southerners felt that Johnson was a traitor. ( Johnson was from Tennessee) The Southern Reaction to Johnson’s Plan Former Confederates took office in the south Sent to congress Black Codes Varied by State Intended to keep former slaves in a dependant position To offer cheap labor to Planter Ku Klux Klan Formed in 1866 Designed to terrorize African Americans and the whites who supported their rights. Congress takes Control Moves by southern states upset many in congress Strengthened Radical Republicans in Congress Moderate republicans in congress passed two bills. Freedman Bureau support bill. Civil Rights Act of 1866 Both bills passed the house and senate but were vetoed by Johnson. Radical Reconstruction 14th Amendment Worried that the CRA of 1866 would be overturned. Granted citizenship to all persons born in the U.S. Granted equal protection of the laws. Congressional Elections of 1866 Radical republicans gain enough seats in congress to override Presidential vetoes. Radical Republicans Take control of Reconstruction Radical Reconstruction Cont… Congress passes 4 reconstruction acts over President Johnson’s Vetoes Divided the south into 5 Military districts Set conditions for readmission Ratify the 14th Amendment Write new state constitutions that grant and guarantee right to vote Form new governments elected by ALL male citizens. Republicans in Charge Congress also passed the Tenure of Office Act in 1867, requiring the Senate’s permission to remove any official it appointed. When Johnson tested the act by firing Secretary of War Edwin Stanton, who supported Radical Republicans, the House voted to impeach him. The Senate lacked one vote for the two-thirds majority they needed to remove Johnson from office. 1869 – Republicans pushed through congress the 15th Amendment to protect the voting rights of African American males. New Governments in the South Made up of Scalawags and Carpetbaggers Scalawags - southerners who supported reconstruction Carpetbaggers – Northerners who moved south to take advantage of economic rebirth Freedmen in government Nearly 700 African Americans served in southern governments 16 African Americans were elected to congress. Response to Freedom / Economic Changes Many freed slaves moved to urban areas in the south. Some went west Were met with prejudice and low paying jobs Business owners Miners Cowboys Soldiers Many new slaves hoped to own land but white southerns would not sell to them.. why? Emergence of new farming models Sharecropping Tenant farming Reconstruction Ends Discontent with reconstruction Liberal Republicans People upset the military still needed to control violence in the south Many southern governments were ineffective Discontent with current matters helped democrats regain power in Congress in 1872 Economic depression in 1873 turns Congress’ attention away from Reconstruction Compromise of 1876 Democrat Tilden won the popular election Lacked 1 vote to gain the majority Rutherford B Hayes was given the election in return republicans would withdraw federal troops from the south. Effects of Reconstruction