
Radical Reconstruction
14th Amendment (ratified in July 1868)
a. Declared all persons “__________ or ____________________” in US, citizens
b. Prohibited states from making laws …
c. Also prohibited states from depriving any person of . . .
d. Assured equal protection of laws to ALL citizens =>
e. Confederates disenfranchised
1866 Congressional Election
a. Referendum on . . .
i. “Swing around the Circle”: Johnson went on a propaganda tour around the
country =>
ii. Republicans won 3-1 majority in House, Senate =>
b. Balance of Power in South =>
Radicals Plan: Reconstruction Acts of 1867
a. 1866 – Southerners had rioted against blacks =>
b. Congress’ response: the Acts
i. Civil authorities (police, etc) in the south were . . .
ii. Required new southern state constitutions to include certain provisions
1. Black suffrage
2. Ratification of . . .
iii. March 1867: Congress authorized military to enroll eligible black voters, to
begin . . .
iv. White Southerners ____________________
c. Military Reconstruction Act
i. Restarted political Reconstruction in the 10 Southern states that . . .
ii. Divided the 10 “______________________ _____________” into 5 military
districts =>
d. Southern Reaction
i. Southerners resented . . .
1. Graft =>
2. Corruption =>
ii. Southerners couldn’t fight back with ballots =>
1. Knights of the White Camellia =>
2. Ku Klux Klan =>
President Johnson’s Impeachment
a. Increasing tension between President, Congress
i. Congress prepared for showdown with President =>
ii. Command of the Army Act: President was required to issue all Reconstruction
orders through . . .
iii. Tenure of Office Act: President could not remove any officials (esp.
___________________), without . . .
1. Designed to protect . . .
2. Unconstitutional =>
b. Johnson removed Secretary of War Stanton in February 1868
i. As Secretary of War, Stanton .. .
ii. Johnson replaced generals in the field =>
c. House impeached him on February 24, before even drawing up the charges, by a vote
of 126 to 47! =>
d. Senate Trial
i. Length =>
ii. Impeachment was political =>
iii. Johnson acquitted . . .
Election of 1868
a. Johnson cast aside by GOP
b. Enlisted ...
c. GOP strategy
i. “Wave the bloody shirt” =>
ii. “Vote as you shot” =>
d. Results =>
e. Significance: ___________________ freedmen voted!