Article I Section 5 US Constitution

What you “Gotta” know
Civil War ends on paper April 1865 - Lincoln assassinated
 10% Plan to quickly reunite the nation in doubt
Andrew Johnson, VP from Tennessee, becomes US President
“Radical” Republicans in Congress create the Wade-Davis Bill
 A punishment for secession and assassination of Lincoln
Johnson and Congress wrestle with Reconstruction plans
 As Congress and Johnson squabble – Southern states begin to resort to
old lifestyle
 Black codes put in place – a new form of slavery
Johnson demands that all former confederate officials petition him directly
for a pardon
December 1865 – Johnson declares Reconstruction complete
 Radical Congress disagrees – Refuses to seat newly reelected and
former confederate officers into Congress
 Article I Section 5 US Constitution - Membership, Rules, Journals Each House shall be the Judge of the Elections, Returns and
Qualifications of its own Members
Congressional Republican consolidate power and are able to override any
Presidential veto
Johnson known as the “Dead Dog of the White House”
Radical Reconstruction now in place – Civil Rights Act of 1867
 Former confederacy split into 5 military districts
 No former confederates allowed to vote or hold office
 All states must pass 14th Amendment
 Any person born in US is a citizen of the US
 All states must guarantee all black males the right to vote
1868 Radicals attempt to impeach Johnson – Tenure of Office Act
 Can the President fire government officials confirmed by the Senate?
 Impeachment fails by 1 vote
 Later, SC declares Tenure of Office Act unconstitutional
1869 - 15th Amendment passed – Guarantees voting rights for all black males
1870 – former slaves elected US House and Senate – Hiram Revels elected to
seat formerly held by Jefferson Davis, former Confederate President
Election of 1876 – Republicans agree to remove US troops from South in
return for Florida electoral votes – Reconstruction officially ends
 New issues dominate politics; country tired of Civil War
Legacy of Reconstruction
 Emergence of KKK - 1866
 Segregation and Jim Crow Laws – reemergence of white power
 Women still not given voting rights
 Plessey v. Ferguson 1896 – Separate but equal is Constitutional