Board Notes 16.2

CHAPTER 16.2 The Fight Over Reconstruction
The return to power of the pre-war Southern leadership led Republicans in
Congress to take control of Reconstruction.
1) 1866 Southern legislatures passed laws to deny lack rights “Black Codes”.
- Black Codes- sign work contracts, have a job or face
arrest, no gun ownership, no rental of property
- Radical Republicans wanted the federal government
to force change in the South
2) The 14 Amendment ensured citizenship for African Americans.
- Defined citizens- guaranteed equal protection
- States could not deprive a citizen of rights without
due process- banned Confederate officials from
- Gave Congress power to pass future laws to help
enforce it
- Civil Rights Act of 1866- gave black Americans same
legal rights as white Americans
3) Radical Republicans in Congress took control of Reconstitution.
- President Johnston was impeached and weakened
- 1867 Reconstitution Acts- South divided into 5 military
districts until states rejoined the Union
- to rejoin the Union a state needed to write a new
Constitution which supported 14th Amendment and
gave blacks right to vote
- 1868 Ulysses S. Grant elected president- supported
Reconstitution Acts
4) The 15th Amendment gave African Americans the right to vote.
- Women were left out and angry