Blue Willow Vocabulary Theme 5 – Community Ties undoubtedly Syllables: (4) un·doubt·ed·ly Part of Speech: adverb Definition: beyond dispute: without any doubt or question Sentence: The student was undoubtedly certain that she would get an A+ on her report card in math. loathe Syllables: (1) loathe Part of Speech: verb Definition: to dislike somebody or something intensely Sentence: I loathe my computer when it is not working properly. certainty Syllables: (3) cer·tain·ty Part of Speech - noun Definition: the feeling or belief that something is for sure Sentence: I expressed with certainty that the last day of school is May 25th. protruded Syllables: (3) pro·trud·ed· Part of Speech: verb Definition: stuck out; pushed out Sentence: Paper, folders, and pencils protruded from the student’s messy desk. indifferent Syllables: (4) in·dif·fer·ent Part of Speech: adjective • Definition: not caring, unconcerned Sentence: He seemed indifferent when it was time to leave. sulkily Syllables: (3) sulk·i·ly· Part of Speech: adjective • Definition: in a way that shows unhappiness Sentence: The crocodile sulkily wiped his tears. heartily Syllables: (3) heart·i·ly Part of Speech: adverb • Definition: with enthusiasm Sentence: The cheerleader heartily cheered for her team to win.