Curriculum Night Power Point

Third Grade
Mrs. Lisa Brubaker
Ms. Virginia Davis
Mrs. Connie Ngo
Mr. Ken Caudle
Mrs. Cindy Resendes
Mrs. Maria Glazener
Follow school, classroom, and bus rules!
Have supplies ready each morning.
Independence is recommended.
Start Morning Work quickly.
Homework completed Monday-Thursday and is returned the
next day.
Long range projects & studying for tests require planning.
Take Home Tuesday folder – send back signed on Wed.
Calling home for left items is not encouraged.
Bring Library books back in a timely manner.
Wear sneakers on PE day.
Working cooperatively with classmates
promotes learning.
• Common Core Essential Standards provide the
foundation for our instruction.
• System-wide Pacing Guide used to plan what is
taught each Quarter.
• Students will be asked to explain their math
thinking often!
• 8 Standards for Mathematical Practice will be
used to facilitate students’ mathematical thinking
as they problem solve in math.
Math Units
1st Quarter
Unit 1 - Applying Place Value to Addition and Rounding
Unit 2 - Exploring Perimeter
Unit 3 - Developing an Understanding of Fractions
Unit 4 - Exploring Multiplication
2nd Quarter
Unit 5 - Using Addition and Subtraction
Unit 6 - Telling Time and Problem Solving
Unit 7 - Reason with Shapes
Unit 8 - Develop Multiplication Strategies
Math Topics
3rd Quarter
Unit 9 - Solve Problems with Mass and Volume
Unit 10 - Measure Perimeter and Area
Unit 11 - Explore Division & Relate to Multiplication
Unit 12 - Compare Fractions/Models
4th Quarter
Unit 13 - Multiply and Divide and Problem Solve
Unit 14 - Data with Fractional Amounts
Unit 15 - Investigate Linear and Area Measurement
Unit 16 - Fluency in Problem Solving
Parent Support With Math
 Have your child explain his/her math thinking.
 Review homework.
 Use flashcard drill to become fluent with facts.
 Encourage double-checking of all math work.
 Use math vocabulary.
 Use the calculator.
 Use problem-solving strategies.
 Use on-line math games for practice in all math topics.
Common Core ELA Standards
Focus on both reading of literature and
informational reading.
Expectations are for students to dig deep
into what they read – comprehension and
vocabulary work will have more rigor.
Reading Pacing Guide
• Unit 1 – Main Idea and Supporting
Details/Context Clues
• Unit 2 – Sequence, Cause & Effect, Compare
and Contrast
• Unit 3- Character Analysis and Research
• Unit 4 – Central Message and Point of View
• Unit 5 – Character Comparison/Cause & Effect
• Unit 6 – Point of View
Reading – Comprehension Skills
Author’s Purpose
Fact and Opinion
Main idea/supporting details
Compare and Contrast
Graphic Sources
Text Structure
-Drawing Conclusions
-Cause and Effect
-Context Clues
-Steps in a process
3rd Grade Readers
Move from picture to chapter books.
Read fiction, nonfiction, informational
materials, all genres.
Comprehend and analyze what is read.
Read for longer periods of time.
DIBELS - Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills
TRC – Text Reading and Comprehension
Dibels assessments provide insight into your child’s
reading fluency levels and comprehension levels. Look
for a Home Connect Letter once we have completed the
Beginning of Year assessments for information for you to
support your child’s reading progress.
Third graders will be assessed with the Beginning of Year
Dibels assessments starting in September.
Third Grade Writing Skills
– Create written texts using correct capitalization, punctuation, sentence
structure, and organization.
– Create a good paragraph with a topic and closing sentence, as well as lots of
elaboration and detail.
– Correct use of grammar and its elements
– Use strategies for spelling.
– Learn to edit and revise
1 – Narrative Story
2 – Argument/Opinion
3 – Information/Explanatory
4 – Year End Review
Ongoing focus on written responses to reading
using details from the text to support the
response. This will be done across the content areas.
Social Studies-New Essential Standards in Place
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
5 themes of
geography (location,
place, humanenvironment
movement, and
Absolute and relative
How people adapt to
Comparison of
various regions
Maps and globes
Local Government
Development of local
How it serves
3 Branches
How citizens
participate in the
History of local and
regional communities
Key local historic
Analyze the impact
made by local historic
Ideas that were
significant in the
development of local
Change over time for
events, people,
Ideas that led to the
development of
How historical
events affect a
Historical evidence
of community change
over time.
Social Studies continued
Unit 5
Unit 6
Analyze the impact
made by diverse
historical figures in
local communities
Compare language,
foods, and traditions
of various groups in
the local community
Exemplify how
various groups show
artistic expression in
the local community
Use non-fiction texts
to explore how
cultures borrow and
share (food, clothes,
art, etc.)
Explain how
locations of regions
and natural resources
affect economic
Explain why people
Give examples of
entrepreneurship in
regions of our state
Exemplify how
citizens adapt,
change, and protect
the natural
Content Reading
Projects and Tests
Informational reading
with our social
studies topics is
important to each
The 3rd grade
teachers provide
project information
ahead of time.
Major social studies
tests will be
announced and a
study guide provided
along with in-class
New Essential Standards in Place
1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter
Function of plant
structures: roots,
stems, leaves,
How environment
affects plant growth
and survival.
Stages of life
cycle of a plant.
Properties of
sand, clay, and
humus that support
plant survival.
Patterns in the
Shadows as
caused by Earth’s
Earth’s freshwater
and saltwater
features: oceans,
seas, lakes, rivers,
ponds, streams, and
Land features:
mountains, valleys,
canyons, etc.
Structure and
properties of matter
as they undergo
Solids, liquids,
Changes due to
Transfer of energy
from one object to
Motion and factors
that affect motion.
Human body
systems for
movement, and
Functions of the
skeletal and
muscular system.
Skin’s role in
protection and
69 & Below
The revised 3-5 report cards also are tied in with Power School,
the online student information tool. This allows parents to view their
child’s progress in class assignments and participation. Please use this resource!
Further info on how parents access this will be coming in October.
Your child will receive grades in: Reading, ELA, Math, Science, & Social Studies.
Quarter Tests and End of Grade
 Quarter Tests - a reading and math quarter test
will be given to all 3rd graders to determine if the
standards for the quarter were mastered. These
tests are created by our Central Office
Assessment teams.
 1st Quarter Testing Dates:
 Reading – Monday, Oct. 27th
Math – Tuesday, Oct. 28th
End of Grade testing dates will occur in the last
10 days of school.
End of Grade tests are developed by DPI.
If your child is a 3rd Grader:
Your child will be assessed in reading at the beginning,
middle and end of the year.
Those assessments will give information to the teacher
about the instructional needs of your child.
Your child will take the North Carolina End of Grade Test at
the end of third grade.
Additional Info
Field Trips and Programs have been scheduled. Notice went home to parents in THT today.
We encourage use of the Online Pay System. Trips will be listed under Third Grade.
On out of county field trips we strongly recommend a Notarized Parent Permission form
completed with medical emergency info and contacts.
Getting Field Trip Permission Forms and Fees back quickly is a great help!
Parent ROADMAP for ELA and MATH went home in THT today!
Grade Parent will be needed to help with afternoon activities. Your child’s afternoon
teacher will be communicate with you when the time comes.
Please send an email to your child’s specific teacher.
h a t c a n I d o t o h e l p m y c h i l d ?
Find some time for reading every day.
Be sure to read books that your child
enjoys. If you have selected a book,
and then find you are not interested
in it, stop reading it and select
another one.
Even 15 minutes a day will make a big
difference in your child’s achievement
and enjoyment of reading.
Take books with you and your child
everywhere you go.
Support your child’s reading
experience by talking about the books
and helping them understand and
interpret what they read.
In addition to reading books, children
can practice their reading skills by
engaging in many different online
reading experiences.
Encouraging your child to continue
flexing his or her reading muscles is
the single most important thing you
can do to help develop literacy
Make reading together fun!