Welcome to Fifth Grade!

Welcome to Fourth Grade!
Room 19
Mr. Swaninger
Phone: (480) 224-3249
Email: swaninger.thomas@cusd80.com
A little bit about me…
• married for 15 years to my best friend, Jill – also a teacher 
• three beautiful daughters (Macy 10, Phoebe 6, Holly 2)
• 13 years teaching experience (3rd – 5th)
• proud graduate of Arizona State University – Go Devils!
• M.A. in Counseling – Oakland University
• Advanced Specialization in Child and Adolescence Counseling – OU
• Ed.D in Educational Leadership with Northern Arizona University – in progress
• enjoy spending time with family and friends, running, hiking, mountain biking,
rock climbing, reading, sporting events – especially football and baseball
4th Grade Common Core
• The standards establish a “staircase” of increasing complexity in
what students must be able to read so that all students are ready
for the next grade level and eventual demands of college.
• We have a new textbook this year by Houghton Mifflin-Harcourt
• There are many differentiation components for small group and
whole group.
• With each reading piece there is a paired real-world non-fiction
• Students have a Reader’s Notebook that will have all spelling,
grammar and vocabulary assignments. You will see this book
coming home throughout the week.
• We will also do literature studies that will have assignments and
projects to be completed.
Fourth Grade Common Core
• The ability to write logical arguments based on supportive
details, sound reasoning, and relevant evidence.
• Research—both short, focused projects and longer term in depth
written assignments
• Samples of student writing (mentor text) will accompany many
assignments to help establish adequate performance levels in
writing arguments, informational/explanatory texts, and
4th Grade Common Core
Speaking and Listening
• The standards require that students gain, evaluate, and present
increasingly complex information, ideas, and evidence through listening
and speaking as well as through media.
• An important focus of the speaking and listening standards is academic
discussion in one-on-one, small-group, and whole-class settings.
• Major projects this year include: Civilization Project, Wax Museum,
Weather Reports, and Literature Projects.
4th Grade Common Core
• We expect our 4th graders to grow their vocabularies through a
mix of conversations, direct instruction, and reading. This will
help students determine word meanings, appreciate the nuances
of words, and steadily expand their repertoire of words and
• Vocabulary and conventions are treated in their own strand not
because skills in these areas should be handled in isolation, but
because their use extends across reading, writing, speaking, and
4th Grade Common Core
• Operations and Algebraic Thinking
• Number and Operations in Base Ten
• Number and Operations – Fractions
• Measurement and Data
• Geometry
Fourth Grade Curriculum
Social Studies
The students will be studying the history of Arizona. We may be
taking a few field trips that enhance this study. We will also have a
Wax Museum that showcases people from our state, which will include
a research project and might require some extra help at home from
parents. Because Social Studies involves a lot of reading and
comprehension strategies, we will be integrating Reading and Social
Studies as often as possible. In our classroom, we will also be using
Primary Source documents and other supplemental materials when
available for more in-depth learning about the topics of focus.
4th Grade Curriculum
Classifying Living Things
Populations and Ecosystems
Animals and Adaptations
Energy and Magnetism
Water Cycle.
We will be exploring these topics through the scientific method. There will be science
fair projects completed at school in the 2nd and 3rd quarter.
Classroom Procedures
Daily Assignment Book
Something should be written for each subject (the day’s lesson or
homework) so you are aware of the area of focus in each class.
Please check your child’s book, daily, for assignments, due dates,
homework, missing assignments, upcoming quizzes/tests.
Homework Policy
Homework is due back to school periodically throughout the week. All
due dates will be recorded in your child’s planner.
All work should be kept in a binder (Literacy, Math, Social
• Students may bring in a healthy snack each day. (Quick
and simple)
• Feel free to send in treats for your child’s birthday. We
typically will have treats before we head out to recess at
1:45. All treats must be store bought.
Our goal…to do what’s best for your child…
So we’ll work together to make it happen!
Daily Planners
Classroom website
Scheduled Appointments
Phone – (480) 224-3249
Email – swaninger.thomas@cusd80.com