Midterm detailed syllabus for BBA (1)

Detailed syllabus for Mid-term for Organizational Behavior
Chapter-Introduction to OB
Definition of OB
History of management (Read from the pdf attachment mailed to you ‘evolution of
the history of management’)
Scientific Era
Classical Era
The Behavioral Era
Hawthorne studies
Who is a manager?
Functions of a manager (with examples)
Roles of a manager (with examples)
Skills of a manager (with examples)
Various fields of studies that contribute to the study of OB.jdjek
Chapter- Personality and Values
What is personality?
What is the difference between personality and trait?
Measuring personality
Observer-ratings survey
Projective measures (Rorschach ink blot test, TAT, Word Association test)
Personality determinants
Nature vs nurture debate
Big Five Personality Model
Other personality traits relevant to OB
Core Self Evaluation
Self efficacy
Self esteem
Locus of control
Internal locus of control
External locus of control
Risk Taking
Type A and Type B personality
Types of values: terminal vs instrumental values
Person-Job Fit
Holland’s typology (RAISEC)
Person-Organization Fit
Hofstede’s dimension of national culture
What is motivation?
Theories of motivation
Content Theories of Motivation
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need Theory
Alderfer’s ERG Theory
Mc Gregor’s Theory X and Theory Y
Herzberg’s Two factor theory of motivation
McClleland’s Theory of Needs
Process Theory of Motivation
Vroom’s expectancy theory
Contemporary Theories of Motivation
Adam’s Equity Theory
Organizational Justice
Deci’s Cognitive Evaluation Theory
Locke’s Goal Setting Theory
Management by Objectives
Bandura’s Self Efficacy Theory
Integration of Goal setting and self efficacy theory
The Job Characteristics Model
How jobs can be redesigned
Job Rotation
Job Enlargement
Job Enrichment
Chapter- Perception and Individual Decision Making
What is Perception?
Factors that influence perception
Attribution theory
Fundamental attribution error
Self-serving bias
Shortcuts used in judging others
Application of shortcuts in organizations
Employment Interview
Performance Expectation (self-fulfilling prophecy-Pygmalion effect)
Performance Evaluation
The link between perception and Individual Decision Making
The Rational Decision Making
Steps in Rational Decision Making
Bounded Rationality
Biases and errors in Decision Making
Chapter: Foundations of Group Behavior
Defining and Classifying groups
Formal groups-command, task
Informal Groups-interest, friendship
Why do people join groups
Stages of group development
Five stage group development model
Group Properties
Role identity
Role perception
Role expectations
Role conflict
Norms and Status
Hawthorne studies
Deviant workplace behavior
Factors that determine status
Group Size
Group Cohesiveness
Relationship between group cohesiveness and performance norms
Group decision making
Groupthink and groupshift
Group decision making techniques
Nominal group technique
Electronic meeting
Delphi technique
Chapter: Understanding Work Teams
Difference between groups and teams
Types of Teams
Problem solving team
Self-managed teams
Cross-functional Teams
Virtual Teams
Factors that create and effective team (A casual read will do)
Work Design