How to Make Evaporated Milk Those cans of evaporated milk can

How to Make Evaporated Milk
Those cans of evaporated milk can come in handy ... but did you know that you can easily make your own evaporated milk? This is a very
peaceful process and results in evaporated milk that is beautifully white and has a clean, delicious taste.
Difficulty: Easy
Milk, whole
1. Determine how much evaporated milk you will need for your recipe. If your recipe calls for "cans" then use this guide: A 5 oz can of
evaporated milk is 5/8 cup and a 12 oz can is 1-1/2 cups of evaporated milk.
2. Milk Use 2-1/4 cups of regular milk for every cup of desired evaporated milk.
3. Therefore, if you need a 12 oz can of evaporated milk, then start with 3-3/8 cups of milk.
4. If you need the 5 oz can, you can start with 1-1/4 cups plus 2-1/2 tablespoons of milk and evaporate that down to 5/8 cup. However, I'd
recommend starting with 2-1/4 cups, evaporating it down to 1 cup, and then measuring out 5/8 cup and perhaps using the rest for another
recipe. It can be difficult to regulate the temperature for a quantity of milk this small.
5. Medium sized, heavy saucepan Your pan should be slightly heavy and medium-sized. Spray it lightly with non-stick spray.
6. Pour in the regular milk. Set temp to medium and heat for a few moments, stirring. As soon as the milk starts to steam (NOT simmer or
boil), then adjust the heat down so that the milk continues to steam. Do not allow to boil. Boiling will cause the milk to curdle and may even
scorch the bottom of the pan. (You will not be a happy dishwasher if you have to scrape scorched milk from the pan.)
7. Keep the temperature low (on my gas stove, I use the smallest burner and set it to the lowest setting.) Let the milk steam (ie: evaporate)
until it reaches the target measurement. For example, if you started with 2-1/4 cups, then let it steam until it reaches 1 cup. Stir occasionally.
A film will develop now and then; just stir it in (or skim it off if preferred)
8 . Heat until you reach the target measurement I keep a large measuring cup out and when I think the milk is done, I pour it into the cup. If it
is has evaporated to the right measurement, then I'm done. If there is still too much milk, just pour it back in the pan and let it continue to
9. The milk will thicken as it evaporates. The process will take 1 - 3 hours, depending on how high you set the temperature and the volume
of milk you are evaporating.
10. Pour finished milk into a clean jar or other container that can be covered with wrap or sealed. Store in the refrigerator until use. This will
stay fresh in the refrigerator for 3 - 5 days.
11. The cost to make 12 oz of evaporated milk is approximately $.70, assuming a gallon of milk is $3.29. (In my area, a purchased 12 oz can
will usually cost in the range of $.99 to $1.49)
By simplelife, eHow User read more: How to Make Evaporated Milk |