final analysis and discussion of the crucible

Analyzing The Crucible
The central idea or underlying meaning of
a literary work
 Typically deals with an abstract concept
that is made concrete through
representation in character, action, and
Themes in the Crucible
Justice vs. Vengeance
Order vs. Individual
Good vs Evil
Power and Authority
Ignorance vs. Wisdom
Human cruelty in the
name of righteousness
The Individual vs.
Godliness vs.
...and they all have to do with:
Human Weaknesses: motifs
Lust, Guilt - John Proctor
Selfish Pride - Reverend Hale, John Proctor
Greed - Reverend Parris, Thomas Putnam
Vengeance - Abigail
Dishonesty - Abigail, the girls, John Proctor
Hysteria – Mary, the girls
Fear – Tituba
Human Strengths: motifs
Honesty – Elizabeth Proctor
 Loyalty – Elizabeth Proctor
 Courage – John Proctor
 Forgiveness – Elizabeth Proctor
 Faith – Rebecca Nurse
 Reason – Rebecca Nurse
Abigail gets revenge for feeling scorned
The girls and the accusers were naming people
whom they did not like and wanted to harm
Thomas Putnam gains revenge on Francis
Nurse by getting Rebecca, his wife, convicted of
murdering his (and Ann Putnam’s) babies (land)
Parris seeks revenge against those who do not
respect his authority as minister
a theocratic society
Church (moral) and state are the same
 Sin and status of an individual’s soul are
of public concern
 Everyone belongs to either God or the
“a person is either with this court or he must
be counted against it.” (Danforth, Act III)
the role that hysteria can play in tearing apart a
replaces logic and reason
enables people to believe their neighbors are
guilty of committing absurd and unbelievable
people become active in the hysterical climate
for 2 reasons:
 out of genuine religious faithfulness
 chance to act on long-held grudges
How do these characters thrive on hysteria?
Abigail: uses situation to accuse Elizabeth
Proctor of witchcraft and has her jailed
 Reverend Parris: strengthens his position
within the village (temporarily) by making
scapegoats of those who question
authority, like John Proctor
Extremely important in theocratic Salem
 Guilt by association: their sins will taint
your name
 Parris fears Abigail’s questionable
behavior and hints of witchcraft
surrounding Betty will threaten and force
him from the pulpit.
John Proctor - early in the play – has a
chance to stop the girl’s accusations but
his desire to preserve his reputation keeps
him from testifying against Abigail
 at the play’s end – desire to keep his good
name prevents him from a false confession
 “I have given you my soul; leave me my
name!” (Proctor to Danforth in Act IV)
Power and Authority
Bible is the ultimate authority
Authority of the Court is absolute
Conflict of authority - Danforth felt the law should
be followed exactly, and that anyone who
opposed the trials was trying to undermine him
and his authority and the church.
The girls and some women are empowered by
the trials
Individual Vs Society
The accusers were looking out for their own lives
and took whatever actions necessary to save
Conformity – Human freedom vs social order
There is either obedience or the church will burn
like Hell is burning! Parris to Proctor
I speak my own sins; I cannot judge
another. I have no tongue for it
Truth and Lies
Puritan Ethics meant most people
abhorred lying
 Abigail lies all the way through the play
 Elizabeth cannot tell a lie … but does to try
to save John
Personal – John wrestling with his own guilt at
the beginning and Hale wrestling with his guilt at
the end.
Interpersonal (Proctor vs Parris – John is honest
(`I see no light of God in that man. I'll not
conceal it') and (`I like it not that Mr. Parris
should lay his hand upon my baby‘)
Impersonal – “Landgrabbing” was practiced by
The Title: The Crucible
a trial that ultimately reveals a person's true
a melting pot
 “We
burn a hot fire here. It melts down all
concealment” Danforth
 Crucible - it is meant to purify, usually by fire. A great
irony since the 'fire' that burns in Salem does not
purify. Instead it muddles (confuses) and corrupts.
Thus a fire burning for the wrong reason is not able to