Green bonds - the logical next step Jeroen Dicker November 13, 2015 Cefas van den Tol Today’s agenda • Introduction from ING • Green bonds: Bridging the gap between sustainable performance and corporate finance • TenneT green bond • • • Profile The making of a green bond Execution • ING: where do we go from here? Green bonds: Bridging the gap between sustainable performance and corporate finance A green hat for treasury? Considerations • The way forward: We believe all sustainable progress is driven by people with the imagination and determination to improve their future and the futures of those around them • Corporate treasurers can empower people both inside but also outside their organizations to realize their own vision for a sustainable future We cannot hope to create a sustainable culture with any but sustainable souls. - Derrick Jensen Business Environment Treasury Society Treasury links the three key areas of sustainable development November 13, 2015 Green bonds - the logical next step 4 Latest market developments • What are green bonds: Green bonds constitute fixed income instruments that enable capital raising exclusively for projects with specific sustainability aims such as renewable energy or energy efficiency • Market is developing fast: With projected green bond issuance expected to top €35bn** in 2015, the market has arrived at an evolutionary stage where issuers and investors aim to develop a liquid market The green bond market is quickly picking up steam 40 €bn equivalent Considerations Forecast Corporate 30 GBP 7% Government Others 10% EUR 48% SEK 7% Financial USD 28% 20 10 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Corporates take the lead in the primary **ING house view November 13, 2015 Green bonds - the logical next step 5 Increasing investor demand Key factors Demand for Social Responsible Investments increasing • Strong investor focus on SRI assets: Sustainable investment asset growth has outpaced growth in total professionally managed assets over 2012-’14 which means that SRI assets now account for c. 35% of the asset total 70 60 1,600 Assets under management (US$ trillion) - LHS Number of Signatories - RHS 1,200 50 800 30 20 400 10 0 • Green bond market guidelines: The growth of the green bond market has been facilitated by the establishment of broadly accepted guidelines such as the Green Bond Principles or the Climate Bond Initiative Standards Incorporate ESG issues into investment analysis and decisionmaking processes 40 0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 SRI assets expanded by 61% to 21.4tr* since ‘12 Impact/community investing 27% growth 2012 Sustainability-themed investing 2014 137% growth -1% growth Positive/best-in-class screening 82% growth Norms-based screening 54% growth Corporate engagement… 117% growth ESG integration 74% growth Negative/exclusionary… 0 US$ billions 5,000 10,000 15,000 November 13, 2015 Green bonds - the logical next step 6 Sustainability is core at ING Do Good • Operational impact • Community investment Mitigate Harm • Risk management • Equator principles Drive Progress • Financing the transition to a sustainable economy • Financial education • ING is carbon neutral since 2007 and has an integrated approach to sustainable procurement • Robust framework publicly disclosed and applied to business globally • Support our clients to become leaders in tomorrow’s economy • By 2015 more than 1 million children reached via UNICEF • Screening integrated in our systems and procedures • Accelerate sustainable business innovation through entrepreneurship • Group wide programs promoting financial empowerment • Chair of the Equator Principles Steering Committee 2012–2014 • Stimulate sustainable finance opportunities and allocate capital We use sustainability criteria in our capital allocation choices to help stimulate the transition to a sustainable economy – Ralph Hamers Chief Executive Officer of ING Group Green bond November 13, 2015 Green bonds - the logical next step 7 Financing sustainable transitions •ING sees important opportunities to help society meet challenges successfully and to do so in a way that promotes social progress and environmental protection Sustainability Direction •ING launched its Sustainability Direction in 2014 which puts central our support of business clients in making the transition to a healthy and sustainable world •ING created a Sustainable Finance team in 2012 to promote sustainable business opportunities in addition to our ongoing assessment and management of environmental and social risks (ESR) Sustainable Finance •In our Sustainable Finance Programme we identify and help our corporate customers in making the transition towards more sustainability and sustainable business •Sustainable Transitions Financed (STF) is our way of reporting our financing of clients that are environmental trend setters in their sectors and projects that provide sustainable solutions Sustainable Transitions Financed •At the end of 2Q15, total sustainable transactions financed were €20.9bn (up 7.2% from 4Q14) of which €3.4bn financing of sustainable projects and assets 7% Sustainable projects financed 2013-1H 2015 €m Sustainable transitions financed (in %, 1H15) 4% 9% €20.9bn 3,500 Loans to environmental outperformers 2,800 Project Finance - renewable energy 2,100 Project Finance - other 1,400 Other projects Renewable energy projects 1,416 768 224 ING Groenbank* 80% 700 1,275 1,730 2,003 FY 2014 1H 2015 0 FY 2013 November 13, 2015 Green bonds - the logical next step 8 Profile November 13, 2015 Green bonds - the logical next step 9 A grid operator’s task Our three main tasks 1 Transmission services Ensuring the construction and maintenance of a robust and efficient high-voltage grid 2 System services Maintaining the balance between demand for and supply of electricity, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week 3 Market facilitation Facilitating a liquid and stable electricity market that functions efficiently November 13, 2015 Green bonds - the logical next step 10 Vision Society has opted for the large-scale introduction of renewable energy. The generation of this energy results in major changes in the dynamics of the electricity supply. At the same time, our dependence on electricity is increasing. This requires the security of supply to be continuously kept at the right level. In order to keep up with these developments, the European electricity market requires further integration. A proper market design, technological and operational innovations, solutions for electricity storage, and sufficient grid capacity all play a role to balance cross-border supply and demand. November 13, 2015 Green bonds - the logical next step 11 Construct & Operate November 13, 2015 Green bonds - the logical next step 12 TenneT at a glance Europe's first cross-border grid operator EBIT 2,813 employees Total grid length 21,000 km Assets Investments (2014-23) Credit rating A- / A3 725 13.645 20 (EUR million) (EUR billion) (EUR billion) Number of end-users Number of transformer substations Number of cross-border interconnectors 445 14 41 million Grid availability 99.99% Figures as per 31 December 2014 Investments account for 13.3% of EUR 150 billion in the EU. Number of end-users account for 7.7% of a total of 532 million in the EU. November 13, 2015 Green bonds - the logical next step 13 The making of a green bond November 13, 2015 Green bonds - the logical next step 14 Rationale for a green bond Linking TenneT’s brand values Responsible Supporting the sustainable energy policies in the North-West European electricity market Engaged Motivated by the societal challenges Connected Enabling TenneT to meet the growing pace of demand for energy November 13, 2015 Green bonds - the logical next step 15 Green Bond principles (GBP) Green Bond principles have been created to help issuers and investors deploy capital for green projects Green Bonds are any type of bond instruments where the proceeds will be exclusively applied to finance or re-finance in part or in full new and/or existing eligible Green Projects. Four components 1. Use of Proceeds 2. Process for project evaluation and selection 3. Management of Proceeds 4. Reporting November 13, 2015 Green bonds - the logical next step 16 Project selection 100% transmission of green energy Gode Wind 1 Gode Wind 2 Innogy Nordsee 1 DolWin beta November 13, 2015 Green bonds - the logical next step 17 Project evaluation Green Bond framework Structure for verifying the sustainability quality of the projects to be financed through the Green Bond issuance Definition of use of proceeds categories Specific sustainability criteria Specific indicators to enable quantitative measurement Detailing comprehensive reporting. November 13, 2015 Green bonds - the logical next step 18 Project evaluation Sustainability criteria & Quantitative factors Transmission of renewable electricity from offshore wind power plants into the onshore electricity grid using direct current technology or alternating current technology • • • • • • • • Consideration of environmental aspects in planning and installation of offshore converter platforms Consideration of environmental aspects in operation of offshore and onshore converter stations Consideration of environmental aspects in cable-laying (onshore and offshore) Standards for decommissioning and rehabilitation of cable-laying construction sites Standards for decommissioning and recycling of offshore converter platforms at endof-life Community dialogue Working conditions during construction and maintenance work Social standards in the supply chain November 13, 2015 Green bonds - the logical next step 19 Project evaluation Impact indicators • Number of households provided with access to wind power Total number of households per transmission line that would be able to switch to 100% renewable energy • Potential avoidance of CO2 emissions CO2 emissions avoided through the transmission of 100% wind power from offshore plants to the electricity grid November 13, 2015 Green bonds - the logical next step 20 Reporting Annually Information • Allocation of proceeds to 3 projects • Advancement of projects in building phase • Environmental and social impact indicators Key performance indicators • Safety performance (accident rate, fatal accidents) • SF6 emissions • Average interruption time • Transmission losses • Significant controversies Impact indicators as defined in the Green Bond Verification Framework Frequency once a year and reviewed with limited assurance by the independent auditor November 13, 2015 Green bonds - the logical next step 21 Execution November 13, 2015 Green bonds - the logical next step 22 Green Bond execution Summary • • • • • Internal awareness, internal focus Project selection Sharing information and discussion with CSR rating agencies. Establishing green bond framework and Second Party opinion Road Show with clear focus on the green aspect. We brought on the road also our board member responsible for the projects that were linked to the green bond • “Normal" bond execution November 13, 2015 Green bonds - the logical next step 23 Green Bond execution Advantages Support sustainability ambitions Further internal awareness on CSR Gained insight in different stakeholders involved in CSR-related matters/ financing Price advantage ?! November 13, 2015 Green bonds - the logical next step 24 ING: where do we go from here? 25 TenneT ‘plug & play’ into green The Netherlands TenneT EUR 500m 0.875% Green Bond due 2021 EUR 500m 1.750% Green Bond due 2027 Joint Bookrunner Corporate Issuer 05/15 Transaction details • TenneT’s decision to purse financing via green bonds underpins TenneT’s efforts in the sphere of climate change mitigation and represents a natural step in the company’s debt capital market presence • The proceeds raised are exclusively used to finance projects relating to the transmission of renewable electricity from offshore wind power plants into the onshore electricity grid • TenneT has set up an independently verified green bond framework which serves as a structure for verifying sustainability quality of the projects to be financed • During a 3-day roadshow TenneT meet over 60 key investors in the UK, France, Germany & Netherlands • Approx. 17% of investors in TenneT’s green bond issue are “dark green” accounts while approx. 53% are “light green” accounts Key terms Investor analysis Issuer TenneT Holding B.V. Status Senior Unsecured Format Green bond Rating A3 (Moody’s) / A- (S&P) both stable Listing Euronext Amsterdam Law Docs €100k+1k May 28, 2015 Maturity 6 year 12 year Amount €500m €500m June 4, 2021 June 4, 2027 Coupon 0.875% 1.750% Re-offer Yield 0.933% 1.824% Issue spread MS + 45bp MS + 80bp DBR 2.5% Jan-21 DBR 0.5% Feb-25 Maturity Date Benchmark ING’s role 6% 37% 26% 60% 13% EMTN / CoC / 3m Par Call / MWC Trade date 8% 12% Dutch Law Denoms 6% 10% Joint-Bookrunner, EMTN Arranger and Billing & Delivery Germany & AT Benelux UK & Ireland 22% France Nordics Other Ins/Pens Bank 5% 11% 5% Supra Other 10% 33% 33% 10% 13% 13% 28% Germany & AT Benelux Switzerland France UK & Ireland Other 28% FM Ins/Pens Supra Other Bank November 13, 2015 Green bonds - the logical next step 26 Green bond investors Considerations Top Green bond investors* • Who plays in Green bonds?: Being a top trader in € corporate bonds, ING also knows who is buying green corporate paper. ING’s panEuropean decentralized presence enables ING to cover the full range in European investors Holder name KFW APG Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Ins Co QBE International Insurance Aviva Asset Management France HSBC Asset management Blackrock Norges Bank Investment Management NatIxis Asset Management Allianz Global Investors Frankfurt Union Investment Institutional GmbH WGZ Bank Allianz Global Investors France BNP Paribas Asset Management Credit Agricole Petercam SA Erste Sparinvest Parvest Investment Management KLP Fondsforvalting AS State Street Corp Sella Gestioni MN Services Nv Allianz - RAS Asset Management Spa LBBW AM Deutsche AWM MEAG Asset Management GmbH Nord LB AM Prado Marseille Versam M&G Investment SEB AG Amundi Bayern Invest • Dedicated Green funds: While certainly not all mentioned investors maintain dedicated green bond funds, we do note the increasing focus on social responsible investments Green bond investor comments Geography Germany The Netherlands Finland Great Britain France Germany USA Norway France Germany Germany Germany France France France Belgium Germany France Norway United Kingdom Italy The Netherlands Italy Germany Germany Germany Germany France Germany Great Britain Germany France Germany More than half of investors now say that environmental, social and ethical criteria are important or very important to them when they are making investment decisions We are able to provide clients with the full range of SRI Funds and Strategies across asset classes inlcuding equities, fixed income and money market products One of the largest managers of SRI in the world with approximately €60 billion in socially-screened assets. BlackRock Impact platform manages over $225 billion in low carbon passive strategies and screened funds, designed to align clients’ portfolios with their objectives Norges Bank Investment Management seeks to safeguard investments in more than 9,000 companies worldwide by promoting good corporate governance standards and encouraging businesses to improve social and environmental standards *Source: Bloomberg, orderbooks This list shows only a selection of Green bond investors and is not exhaustive November 13, 2015 Green bonds - the logical next step 27 ING Green bond research Considerations ING actively published Green bond research • ING dedicated to Green bond research: ING is acknowledging the growing trend for Green investments and as such publishes dedicated research to educate the investor base thoroughly on a continuous basis November 13, 2015 Green bonds - the logical next step 28 Signs of outperformance? 28-05-2015: TenneT Green bond issuance Enexis (A+/Aa3) 70 60 Alliander (AA-/Aa2) Gasunie (A+/A2) 50 TenneT2022 4.500% Alliander2022 2.250% Gasunie2022 2.625% Enexis 2022 3.375% 40 18-Jun-15 12-Jul-15 6-Aug-15 TenneT2022 4.500% Alliander2022 2.250% Gasunie2022 2.625% Enexis 2022 3.375% 50 TenneT (A-/A3) Enexis (A+/Aa3) 30-Aug-15 80 23-Sep-15 17-Oct-15 TenneT2022 4.500% Gasunie2022 2.625% 11-Nov-15 Alliander2022 2.250% Enexis 2022 3.375% 70 Enexis (A+/Aa3) 60 TenneT (A-/A3) 40 Alliander (AA-/Aa2) 50 5bp 60 25-May-15 Z spread mid (bp) 30 1-May-15 20bp • Pricing advantage vis-àvis plain vanilla paper: In general, green bonds within the utilities sector trade in line or at a spread discount when benchmarked against the issuers’ implicit plain vanilla secondary curves 80 Z spread mid (bp) • Green bonds supportive for secondary curve?: In the recent market environment where credit spreads tend to widen, we observe that TenneTs credit curve on relative basis widened less than peers TenneT vs comparable senior spread performance Z spread mid (bp) Considerations Gasunie (A+/A2) Alliander (AA-/Aa3) 30 1-May-15 8-May-15 16-May-15 24-May-15 1-Jun-15 40 1-Oct-15 Gasunie (A+/A2) 11-Oct-15 21-Oct-15 31-Oct-15 11-Nov-15 November 13, 2015 Green bonds - the logical next step 29 Disclaimer Liability and copyright of TenneT This PowerPoint presentation is offered to you by TenneT TSO B.V. (hereinafter: “TenneT”). All its content – i.e. all texts, images, and sound files – is protected under the Netherlands Copyright Act (“Auteurswet”). The contents of this presentation may not be copied – unless TenneT has explicitly provided facilities for that purpose – nor may it be altered in any way. TenneT strives to provide correct and up-to-date information, but cannot guarantee that all details are correct, accurate, and complete. TenneT does not accept any liability for any (supposed) damage incurred as a result of your use of this presentation, nor for the consequences of activities undertaken on the basis of data and information included in it. 30 Disclaimer This presentation of ING Bank N.V. (“ING”) shall serve solely for information purpose and as a platform for discussion. Copyright and intellectual property right protection of this presentation is reserved to ING. It may therefore not be reproduced, distributed or published by any person for any purpose without the prior express consent of ING. All rights are reserved. ING calls for attention to the fact that it is part of ING Groep N.V. (“ING Group”). Members of ING Group may advise or provide services (including investment advice) and act as an active investor in equity shares and other securities. Please be informed that in order to avoid any possible conflicts of interest, investment decisions in securities are taken fully independently by the investment portfolio professionals. While ING has taken reasonable care to ensure that the information contained herein is not untrue or misleading at the time of presentation to the client, ING makes no representation with regard to the accuracy or completeness of the information, part of which was obtained from the client and public sources and relied upon as such. The information contained in this presentation is subject to change without notice. Neither ING nor any of its officers or employees accepts any liability for any loss arising from any use of this presentation or its contents. The information is further subject to there having been, in the sole opinion of ING, no material adverse change in the international capital or loan markets prior to the implementation of this proposal. This presentation does not constitute an agreement or a commitment or an offer to commit to any transaction or any financing by ING. Any such commitment or agreement shall be subject to further negotiation, satisfactory completion of due diligence, ING credit and other approvals, execution of legal documentation acceptable to ING and receipt by ING of positive opinions from legal counsel. 31 TenneT is Europe's first cross-border grid operator for the transmission of electricity. With approximately 21,000 kilometres of high-voltage lines and 41 million end-users in the Netherlands and Germany, we rank among the top five grid operators in Europe. Our focus is to develop a North-West European energy market and to integrate renewable energy. Taking power further November 13, 2015 Green bonds - the logical next step