Name:______________________ Year 1 Homework - Wednesday 9th December 2015 Please hand in for Monday 14th December. Reading Please make sure you read at least 4 times every week with your child. You should write comments in the reading record as normal and then please initial the inside cover (new for this year). Your child will get a teacher sticker each week if they have all four boxes initialled. Handwriting/spelling Please practise each word below (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday). Maths We have been practising our number bonds to 10 (e.g. 6 and 4 make 10, 3 and 7 make 10) and some of us have had a go at bonds to 20 (e.g. 17 and 3 make 20, 11 and 9 make 20). Cut out the number cards you have been given and have a go at playing Number Bond Snap at home! Play the usual Snap rules, but you say ‘Snap!’ when a number bond pair is put down one after the other (e.g. 12 and 8). Some children may only be ready to do bonds to 10, in which case use the 0-10 cards. If you are ready for a challenge, cut out all 20 and have a go! It may help to have 10 (or 20 if doing them all) small items like pasta pieces out on the table to help if you need to check. Colour this smiley face: Red – if the homework was too hard. Yellow – if it was a bit tricky. Green – if you had no problems