Lowndes County Public Schools LESSON PLANS Teacher: Richardson Date: November 16-20, 2015 Block: 3rd Grade Subject: Science Alabama COS: standards 8.) Identify how organisms are classified in the Animalia and Plantae kingdoms. ACTIVATING LEARNING STRATEGY: KWL Survey Word Splash Possible Sentence First Word Concept Map Word Map Frayer Model Engagement Strategies: - Collaborative Group Work - Questioning Techniques Technology Integration: Clickers ACCESS COGNITIVE TEACHING STRATEGIES: Anticipation Guide Think-Pair-Share Vocabulary Overview Daily Language Practice (DLP)___________________ - Writing to Learn - Scaffolding Text Lecture Reading Graphic Organizer/VLT Pictograph Model Diagram Hands-on Mind Map/Visual Guide - Literacy Groups -Classroom Talk TWIRL Other:_______________________________ Smart board Document Camera IPADS Mac Books Computers Kindles Interactive Tablets Computer Program:________________________________ Other:______________________________________ This Week’s Vocabulary: Pollen, Pollination, Pollinators, Ecosystem, Nectar, organisms, Animalia Kingdom, Plantae Kingdom Poem, Rhymes, etc. Acronyms/Word Writing Other: ____________ Digital/ Video Camera PROCEDURAL CONTENT (application) Essential Question Objective(s) Preview (Before) Instruction (During) Include small group plans Monday Why are bees our friends? Why are bees important to plants and people? Tuesday How organisms are classified? I can explain the role played by bees in the life cycle of plants. I can identify how organisms are classified. I can explain how vertebrae animals classified? Thursday What is the difference between vertebrae and invertebrate? Friday Can you explain how organisms are classified and the difference between vertebrae and invertebrate? I can identify the difference between vertebrae and invertebrate? List group label vertebrae and invertebrate I can explain how organisms are classified and the difference between vertebrae and invertebrate? Turn and talk Classify the animal Compare and contrast Closed read A36-A40 First line Reading passage Anticipation guide Play “Bees: True or False”: First sentence Introduce vocabulary Partner talk Closed read The bees are going to pollinate the trees. Highlighted text Notebook Activity Expert reporting Closed read A36-A40 Summarizing Exit slip – define one vocabulary word 3,2,1/ cootie catcher Lady Bugs Bees Turtles Lady Bugs Workbook pg. A8 Bees Workbook pg. A8 Turtles Workbook pg. A8 Lady Bugs Workbook pg. A10 Bees Workbook pg. A810 Turtles Workbook pg. A10 All students will complete Review questions page A49 Review vocabulary Review vocabulary Review vocabulary Review vocabulary (After) Why are bees important to agriculture? Extension/ Refining Lady Bugs answer question Bees answer question Turtles answer question Review vocabulary Homework Assessment (formal or informal): Summarizing: Wednesday How are vertebrae classified? 3-2-1 class work Ticket out the Door notebook homework The Important Thing Exit slip one thing you want to know Vertebrae and invertebrate grouping quizzes Cue Cards tests computer activities Teacher Questions collaborative work Student Summary project based Other:___ Other:_______________________