NAME: ANSWER KEY HOUR: POWERFUL CONSEQUENCES Knowing the Difference between Positive & Negative Reinforcement & Punishment In Operant Conditioning, an animal does a voluntary behavior which then results in a good or bad consequence. Those consequences fall into two basic categories: Reinforcement & Punishment The Effects of Reinforcement and Punishment Reinforcement Punishment (Increases or strengthens a behavior) (Decreases or suppresses a behavior) Positive reinforcement (Adding a Something Positive Punishment/Punishment by Good) Application (Adding Something Bad) Presenting food, money, praise, attention, or Delivering a pain-producing or otherwise other rewards aversive stimulus, such as a spanking or an electric shock. Negative Reinforcement (Subtracting Negative Punishment/Punishment by Something Bad) Removal (Subtracting Something Good) Removing some pain-producing or otherwise Removing some pleasant stimulus or taking aversive stimulus, such as an electric shock away privileges such as TV watching or use of By Escape – Something that is currently bad automobile. Ex. Grounding or Time Outs. is taken away By Avoidance – Something that could be bad in the future is avoided Directions: The following scenarios describe a behavior and its consequence. Your task is to apply the principles of operant conditioning to each of these examples. For each underlined behavior do the following: Write whether the consequence was good (G) or Bad (B). Write if the underlined behavior will be more likely (↑) or less likely (↓) Write what kind of Reinforcement or Punishment was used (+) or (-) o If Negative Reinforcement is the answer, also say whether it was by escape or avoidance o Extinction – When a behavior results in no meaningful consequence (0) then the behavior will decrease (↓) in the future. 1. A student volunteers to answer a tough question in class, and the teacher comments favorably on the quality of the student’s contribution. 2. A wife brings home flowers to her husband because of the special dinner he had cooked for her. 3. A child is sent to his room with no supper after presenting a bad report card. 4. Dad and tot enter the check-out lane of the supermarket. When the child screams for candy, dad pops a sucker in her mouth to quiet her down. 5. A child spills milk all over the supper table, and Mom (having had a very bad day) swoops the child up from the high chair and spanks him. 6. A student has a terrible muscle soreness after an intense workouts has found Advil will relieve his pain. The next time he goes to work out he takes two Advil before working out to prevent pain later. 7. Two children, who usually spend most of their time fighting, finally play peaceably over a coloring book. Dad peeks in and sighs, “At last, they are getting along.” He returns to work without saying anything to them. 8. As a spoiled child is being driven by a fast-food restaurant, she begins screaming that she must have french fries or she won’t survive. The parents surrender and drive in for a large supply. 9. A teenager whines about having nothing to do. Dad gives him an hour long lecture about all the stuff in his room and the good old days when he, the father, didn’t have all that stuff but still managed to be happy. 10. A terrorist applies an electric current to the feet of a spy to make her confess. She tells him everything she knows. G or B or 0 ↑ or ↓ G ↑ Reinforcement, Punishment or Extinction? + Reinforcement G ↑ + Reinforcement B ↓ - Punishment G ↑ + Reinforcement B ↓ + Punishment G ↑ - Reinforcement Avoidance 0 ↓ Extinction G ↑ - Reinforcement Escape B ↓ + Punishment G ↑ - Reinforcement Escape