study guide 2

General info:
-Multiple choice (remember to bring pencil)
-Questions drawn from lectures, videos, articles, and relevant book chapters; this guide
will cover the most important concepts, but any assigned reading material or content
discussed in class is fair game!
-Good luck, happy studying : )
From chapter 6:
Key Terms: Discriminative stimulus, escape behavior, extrinsic/intrinsic reinforcement,
generalized reinforcer, law of effect, natural reinforcers, negative punishment, negative
reinforcement, operant conditioning, positive punishment, positive reinforcement,
primary/ secondary reinforcer, shaping, three-term contingency
Key Concepts: operant conditioning- what does it involve; think about examples (from
class as well as your own) and differentiate between positive & negative and
reinforcement & punishment.
From chapter 7:
Key Terms: bliss point, chained schedule, continuous & intermittent reinforcement
schedule, DRH, DRL, DRP, drive reduction theory, FD/FI/FR/FT/VD/VI/VR/VT
schedules, goal gradient effect, noncontingent schedule of reinforcement, Premack
principle, response deprivation hypothesis.
Key Concepts: compare/contrast the schedules of reinforcement and the typical response
patterns they elicit. Compare/contrast the theories of reinforcement.
From chapter 8:
Key Terms: DRO, discrimination training, discriminative stimulus for extinction,
extinction, extinction burst, fading, generalization gradient, multiple schedule, partial
reinforcement effect, peak shift, resurgence, spontaneous recovery, stimulus control,
stimulus generalization,
Key Concepts: aspects of extinction and stimulus control. Don’t worry about matchingto-sample or behavioral contrast.
From chapter 9:
Key Terms: learned helplessness, one- and two-process theories of avoidance,
experimental neurosis.
Key Concepts: problems with punishment, effective use of punishment, types of
punishment, compare & contrast the forms of noncontingent punishment. Don’t worry
about theories of punishment.
From chapter 10:
Key Terms: bias, commitment, concurrent schedule, impulsiveness, matching law,
melioration theory, overmatching, self-control, undermatching.
Key Concepts: deviations from matching; drawbacks of melioration; Ainslie-Rachlin
Model of self-control; factors that influence self-control and impulsiveness.
Articles & Videos:
Bribery article: making reinforcement effective
Timeouts article: how to make timeouts effective
No, You Shut Up article: compare/contrast strategies for responding to misbehavior
The Messy Room Dilemma article: choosing battles, changing behaviors
Harry video, methods & results of study; identify examples of positive/negative
No Brakes article: adolescent risk: why it happens & common interventions don’t work
No Brakes cont’d article: effective strategies for risky adolescent behavior
Cognition, Creativity, and Behavior video: understand the purpose of the experiments
and the main points that Epstein and Skinner were making about mental processes,
creativity, and self-concept.